The Best Rice For Your Figure

White rice or brown rice? Below are some of the myths surrounding rice and the real answer is revealed.

The best rice for your figure

You should know what the best rice is for your figure in order to be able to reach your desired weight. Thanks to its versatility and pleasant taste, rice is a good accompaniment to many dishes.

However, healthy diet trends and weight control goals raise the question of which type of rice is best for a beautiful figure?

White rice or brown rice? Below are some of the myths surrounding rice and the real answer is revealed.

What’s the best rice for your figure?

You’ve probably heard a lot about rice in weight loss diets. Some believe that rice makes you fat and should therefore only be included in the diet every now and then. Others attribute positive properties to brown rice and only reject white rice.

How much truth is there really in all of these statements? White rice and brown rice have very different nutritional values. It is therefore worthwhile to find out more about it.

Knowing these nutritional facts is especially helpful if you want to lose weight or keep your weight off. What’s the best rice for your figure?

The difference is in how the rice is processed after it is harvested. Now let’s move on to the details.

Brown rice

A pile of brown rice.

Whole grain rice is also known as brown rice or brown rice. This means that the rice grains are not peeled or bleached, but instead keep their natural state.

This increases the  concentration of nutrients. As a rule, this rice contains around three times as much iron as white rice. It is also characterized by more fiber and vitamins.

Whole rice also contains the following nutrients:

  • Magnesium. This mineral is very important for the bones.
  • Selenium.  This trace element is necessary for the metabolism and the thyroid, among other things. It cannot be produced by the body itself.
  • Manganese. This is a mineral that has a strong antioxidant effect. A cup of brown rice covers 88% of your daily needs.

White rice

This type of grain has a finer and smoother surface. In the mill, not only the husks but also the bran are removed. During this process, natural nutrients such as zinc, magnesium and selenium are also lost.

Finally, the rice is polished so that it gets its tender consistency. Vitamin B and iron are often added to white rice afterwards. 

However, white rice also has positive aspects: By removing the bran, it contains less phytic acid. That makes the rice more digestible. In addition, phytic acid inhibits the absorption of minerals.

Calories and nutrients in both types of rice

A woman with a shopping cart in the supermarket.

But which is actually the best rice for your figure? Compare the nutritional information when shopping. You will find that there is not much difference between white and brown rice.

  • 100 white rice contains around 361 calories, and the same amount of brown rice contains around 361 calories.
  • The fat content is also very similar, with white rice having a little less of it.
  • There are hardly any differences in carbohydrates either. Brown rice contains a little less of it.

The  difference is in the fiber! Brown rice contains far more fiber. One cup of brown rice provides at least 15% of the daily recommended amount of fiber.

How important is fiber?

When trying to maintain or lose your weight, foods high in fiber can be of great help. But why is that so?

First of all, high fiber foods add extra volume to the stomach, which will help you feel fuller. If you feel full, you will snack less in between.

You feel  satisfied longer and you can control cravings better.

Fiber is especially recommended for those who want to lose weight. In addition, fiber helps regulate digestion and keep the digestive system healthy. 

The best variety of rice

Some water is poured into a saucepan with rice.

So both types of rice have similar calorie, carbohydrate and fat values. The question is: which is better for you?

As we’ve seen, brown rice is characterized by more nutrients and fiber. This will keep you full longer and prevent unhealthy snacks.

At the same time you supply your organism with selenium, manganese, magnesium and many healthy antioxidants. Therefore, the best rice for your figure is brown rice. 

You can also reduce phytic acid by soaking the rice in water for 12 hours and then rinsing it off well!

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