The Side Effects Of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a serious disease with long-term effects. Treatment can have various side effects that make the fight against cancer very difficult.

The side effects of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the ovaries. In this article we will show you which side effects of ovarian cancer can occur and what helps against them.

Cancer in the ovaries can also include tumors in the pelvic area and even spread to other parts of the body. Treatment must be carried out by a specialist because the side effects of ovarian cancer are very diverse and unpleasant.

However, some side effects of cancer treatment are inevitable. We’ll show you which ones in this article.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment and Possible Side Effects

This article discusses the unpleasant side effects and side effects that ovarian cancer patients experience during treatment.

Side effects of anesthesia

There are many side effects of ovarian cancer

Like all procedures that are performed under anesthesia, cancer treatment also involves certain risks. Surgical removal of the tumor does not have to be dangerous in itself, but short- and medium-term problems can arise.

Side effects of general anesthesia include breathing and heart problems, blood clots, blood loss, and infection.

Effects on the body

Certain organs are directly affected during an operation. These include the bladder, blood vessels, intestines, and lymph nodes. In some cases, the lymph nodes in the pelvic area also need to be removed.

If the doctor removes the lymph nodes, the lymphatic system can collapse and lymphedema develops. Fluid builds up in the legs and they swell.

Extreme side effects

Doctor explains side effects of ovarian cancer

It can happen that parts of other organs have to be removed during the surgical procedure. For example, the intestines or parts of the liver, gallbladder or bile can also be affected.

The woman’s fertility can also be destroyed during the operation. In this case, the patient should talk to her doctor about fertility-preserving measures before the procedure. In this way, egg cells are preserved for a future pregnancy.

Chemotherapy side effects

Depending on the drugs used, the side effects of chemotherapy can vary.

frequent side effects

  • Hair loss
  • exhaustion
  • Bleeding and infection caused by a loss of red blood cells
  • Anemia
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Mouth ulcers and changes in the sense of taste
  • Cramps and tingling sensations from an injury to the nerves
  • slight pain in ears and muscles
  • Redness, dark spots, and sores on the skin

Less common side effects

Concomitant symptoms of ovarian cancer are stressful
  • blurred vision
  • low blood pressure
  • stomach pain
  • allergic reaction
  • Headache or migraine

Side effects of radiation therapy

The side effects of radiation therapy are roughly the same as those of chemotherapy. However, additional digestive problems often occur with radiation therapy .

Natural remedies for the side effects of ovarian cancer

With a disease as devastating as cancer, there are some natural remedies that can help with its side effects. In particular, the side effects of the treatment can be alleviated in this way.

We’ll show you some medicinal plants that have been shown to be beneficial.

1. Mint tea

Herbs reduce the side effects of ovarian cancer

The antioxidants in peppermint strengthen the immune system and help the body to defend itself against diseases. Mint tea also calms the stomach. This is particularly beneficial for digestive problems that occur during cancer therapy.


  • 7 to 10 leaves of peppermint
  • 250 ml of water
  • Honey and lemon juice to taste


  • Bring the water to a boil and pour it over the peppermint.
  • Let the tea steep for 10 minutes and drain it through a sieve.
  • Add honey and lemon juice to taste.
  • You can drink this tea at any time of the day. However, it works best in the morning.

2. Shiitake mushrooms

Mushrooms reduce side effects of ovarian cancer

Shiitake mushrooms are rich in beta-glucans, a substance that counteracts certain types of cancer. The mushrooms are very common in Japan, where they are used to treat cancer and other diseases. You can also use it to alleviate the side effects of ovarian cancer.

We’ll show you a recipe for salad with shiitake mushrooms.


  • 12 fresh shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 bunch of spring onions
  • sea-salt
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
  • 1 small head of Romaine lettuce
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon Japanese rice wine (mirin)


  • Cut the mushrooms into strips and the spring onions into thin rings.
  • Add a little salt and fry the mixture in the pan until the mushrooms are lightly browned.
  • Mix the liquid ingredients into a salad dressing.
  • Wash the lettuce, dry it well, and cut it into small pieces.
  • Put all the ingredients together in a salad bowl and mix them together well.

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