Avoid These Foods If You Have Flatulence

Flatulence is not a disease, but a symptom that can be very unpleasant. Many suffer from it because they eat improperly. But which foods should you avoid when you have flatulence?

Avoid these foods if you have gas

Flatulence is not a disease but a symptom, but it can be very uncomfortable. Many suffer from it because they eat improperly. But which foods should you avoid when you have  flatulence  ?

The first thing to do is get a medical exam to determine the exact cause of the gas. Then you can take the appropriate action. Among other things, you have to adjust your diet and avoid gas that is gas.

Then you will find a list of foods that can lead to a gas stomach. If you have flatulence, you should avoid it. 

Foods to avoid if you have gas


While beans are an important source of protein, if you are prone to gas, you should only consume them in small amounts. Because they can lead to gas formation and also to abdominal pain. 

You can replace beans with fish or chicken to get enough protein.

Fat foods

Fatty foods such as French fries or other dishes cooked in oil also have a flatulence effect. They are difficult to digest and often produce an uncomfortable  feeling of fullness.

Include foods with healthy fats in your diet. These include, for example, avocados, nuts and dark chocolate. You should also eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits and avoid unhealthy fats as much as possible. 


Reduce salt for flatulence

Too much salt  leads to the accumulation of fluid in the tissue and also to flatulence. Therefore, reduce your salt consumption as much as possible. You are also doing your blood pressure good!

Vegetables from the cruciferous family

Vegetables like cabbage, broccoli  or  cauliflower are very healthy.  But don’t forget that they promote gas formation in the digestive system!

When methane is formed, it often results in abdominal pain, gas, and discomfort.

Soft drinks


Carbonated drinks have a gas-forming effect and often provoke a feeling of fullness. Choose fresh fruit juices or water! You are doing a lot of good for your health.

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates do not contain fiber. These are “empty calories” that do not provide the body with nutrients.

This includes, for example, white flour products such as white bread, pizza or industrial baked goods. Avoid these products as much as possible, as they could cause gas and gas.

You can of course sin every now and then, but don’t overdo it!

Spicy dishes

Avoid chile if you have flatulence

Ready meals often contain a lot of spices, which can negatively affect the digestive system.

In particular, spicy dishes with chilli, pepper, nutmeg, garlic, mustard or vinegar can release acids in the stomach,  which can lead to an unpleasant feeling of fullness and gas.

Do not season your food too much!

Artificial sweeteners

Many industrially manufactured products contain sweeteners that can lead to digestive problems. Avoid them as much as possible to avoid gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 

chewing gum

chewing gum

If you have flatulence, you should also avoid chewing gum! This is because you swallow air that gets into the digestive system and has a flatulence effect!


Alcoholic beverages also have a gas-generating effect.  Refrain from it and drink water and natural fruit juices. Tea is also highly recommended.

If you have flatulence or as a preventive measure, you should avoid the foods mentioned as much as possible. You will then feel better and have less discomfort.

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