How To Naturally Support Thyroid Health With Rhubarb

The thyroid is fundamental for the well-being of our body because its hormones take part in many processes. Thanks to its active ingredients, rhubarb can help us protect them.

How to naturally support thyroid health with rhubarb

All people should take care of thyroid health. It is responsible for secreting hormones such as thyroxine, which play an important role in our body’s metabolism.

In this article, we would like to tell you about the potential benefits of rhubarb for thyroid health .

The thyroid is located on the neck, where it  lies above the collarbone and just in front of the windpipe . The thyroid hormones are involved in many processes and therefore affect almost all tissues in our body.

They are essential for growth, the development of the nervous system and the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates, among other things .

That is why it is so important to pay attention to the health of the thyroid gland and to have it checked whenever there is any change in the organism.

An anatomical defect or a malfunction could therefore trigger various complications that could affect our body’s routine.

Emotional swings and loss of weight control are among the most common signs that something is wrong with thyroid health.

Is Thyroid Health Really That Important?

Illustration of a thyroid gland

The thyroid is so fundamental to humans because not only hormonal production but also our psychological state depends on it.

Should the balance of this organ be disturbed, the body reacts with changes in weight, mood and even body, such as a goiter.

The hormones from the thyroid regulate the metabolism and intervene in the nervous system. Any imbalance therefore leads to concentration problems, irritability, exhaustion and depression. That strongly affects the quality of life!

Beware of these symptoms

There are six warning signs you should look out for in time to notice that something is wrong with thyroid health:

  • Sudden changes in body weight
  • Occasional convulsions
  • Changes in the state of mind without specific motives (exhaustion, sadness …)
  • Hair loss and brittle or discolored nails
  • You are very cold or hot
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle

Diseases that affect thyroid health

  • Overactive thyroid: the thyroid makes too many of the hormones.
  • Underactive thyroid: the thyroid does not produce enough hormones.
  • Goiter: when the thyroid gland grows
  • cancer
  • node
  • Inflammation of the thyroid gland

The diagnosis of these diseases must be made by a specialist. He says which tests and samples are necessary to start treatment.

Sometimes a biopsy, therapy, surgery, or radioactive iodine treatment is needed.

Rhubarb for thyroid health

Rhubarb is a plant that may contain medicinal properties. They can be prepared in different ways: as a dessert, as an accompaniment to meat and fish, steamed or baked.

The stem and root of the rhubarb contain many minerals and vitamins that can have a cleansing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. The plant can even work against constipation!

However, today we are talking about how it could possibly be beneficial to thyroid health.

In case of inflammation or a goiter

Rhubarb is high in emodin. This is a natural substance that has both laxative and anti-inflammatory properties. If you notice growth in the thyroid gland, you can possibly counteract this by eating rhubarb.

Note : It is essential to see a doctor for a diagnosis!

Rhubarb contains many vitamins

The many vitamins and minerals rhubarb contains can help protect the health of your thyroid. If you incorporate rhubarb into your diet, you are giving your organism essential nutrients for better functioning.

For example, rhubarb contains the following nutrients:

  • Vitamins (A, C, K, E y B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9)
  • Minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc, potassium and sodium)


Figure of a male torso

Heavy metals and toxins keep getting into our body. This is due to pollution and bad eating habits. However, doing so can also affect thyroid health and this in turn affects metabolism.

To avoid this, we can help our body cleanse. In this case, rhubarb acts like a natural cleaning agent, because its fiber content and laxative effect make it ideal.

Its roots are also characterized by their high content of vegetable tannins. These substances help the body to get rid of free radicals and harmful toxins.

In addition, they also promote scarring and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Rhubarb could help prevent thyroid cancer

Thanks to its ability to fight free radicals, rhubarb could also help reduce the tissue damage it creates, which can cause cancer.

As you can see, rhubarb is an option to consider when it comes to protecting thyroid health. Talk to your doctor about it, too, as a large part of your quality of life depends on the function of this gland.

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