Why Tai Chi Is Good For Your Health

Have you ever heard of the many benefits of Tai Chi? Learn more about it in this article!

Why tai chi is good for your health

Tai Chi not only promotes balance, it is a meditative movement system or a martial art that has numerous other benefits for our health. 

The origins of this tradition can be found in China. It will be slow, synchronized  Movements carried out that, among other things, promote inner calm and concentration. 

To Tai Chi to practice properly, it needs long practice. But the movements can still be carried out easily and you benefit from them from day one. 

It is about integrating  body and mind through certain movement patterns and breathing techniques. You can recharge your batteries with it, but at the same time find peace, relaxation and serenity.

  • Tai Chi aims to activate the  Qui (the inner life energy) and bring it into balance. 
  • The harmony of the  inner and outer being arises through the integration of mind and body, which is strengthened by Qi. One cultivates a famous Tao mantra.

To achieve even better results, Tai Chi health programs are often modernized by incorporating medical science in order to gain benefits more quickly.

The benefits of tai chi for health

1. Reducing pain

reduce pain

Tai chi helps reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis. This can reduce or even avoid the consumption of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition, practicing this form of movement improves balance and various physical functions, which is beneficial for people with osteoarthritis. 

Further advantages are:

  • Reducing pain and fatigue
  • Improvement of mood and depression
  • Increases vitality and alleviates the ailments caused by rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Lower risk with low bone density after menopause

2. Tai Chi improves self-esteem

This ancient Chinese form of exercise can accompany conventional cancer treatment to improve self-esteem and quality of life  without putting too much strain on the body. 

This Chinese martial art can be practiced anywhere and anytime in everyday life.

3. Good for people with heart disease

Tai chi

Scientists have found that this form of movement can stimulate the self-healing powers of patients with heart disease. They can also use it to improve the quality of life. 

The benefits of tai chi for the body

Tai chi

Tai Chi has other advantages that are worth mentioning:

  • It improves balance: the movements are constant and slow, coordinating different parts of the body. This can be used to achieve a balance, which makes older people more stable and thus reduces the risk of falls. 

  • This also strengthens the body and improves performance. In addition, the gentle exercises also improve posture and strengthens the back. Those who practice regularly also become more flexible. 
  • It is positive for the heart: with tai chi the blood circulation is stimulated and you can prevent heart problems. Blood pressure also benefits. 

  • Better coordination: This Chinese martial art promotes eye-hand coordination and motor skills in general through the slow rhythmic movements. 

  • Better breathing: Breathing techniques are very important in Tai Chi. That is why this traditional form of exercise also helps with respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.

  • Gentle rhythmic movements and breathing can reduce everyday stress and hectic pace.

  • The coordination of the breathing in connection with the observation of the hand movements not only promotes concentration, but also helps to calm and calm. In this way, tai chi is perfect for reducing stress.

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