This Is How You Can Remove Your Make-up In Seconds

When it’s already late, you don’t always feel like getting rid of your make-up , but this is very important so that the skin can breathe and can regenerate in the resting phase.

So you can remove your make-up in seconds

The make-up removing heard before bedtime on basic beauty rituals.

Most women use cosmetics and make-up to emphasize their attractive features, but removing make-up late at night usually makes you tired.

A busy day at work, a date, or an evening party are the most common excuses for skipping this important step.

However, this apparently less important routine has various consequences for skin health  that become apparent over  time.

Clogged pores, spots or dull skin are some of the immediate consequences of not removing make-up regularly every evening.

In the long term, the complexion is worsened and signs of aging appear prematurely.

However, there are very simple  tips that can be used to remove makeup in seconds  without the need for expensive detergents.

Then we will give you 7 good pieces of advice that you can use in the evening to cleanse and care for your skin.

Read on to learn more about it.

1. Cleanse the face with cold water and pH-friendly soap


Wash your face briefly with cold water and pH-friendly facial soap to remove any  impurities that may have built up on the skin as the day progresses. 

Avoid using hot water as this will affect the production of natural skin oils, which can lead to dry skin.

2. Use make-up removal wipes for make-up

Make-up removal wipes are a good alternative for sensitive or oily skin. This removes cosmetics and excess oil  that clogs pores.

For combination skin or dry skin, you can then make your own make-up removal wipes.


  • Cotton pads
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid soap (10 ml)
  • a cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 glass vessel


  • Mix the liquid soap with the water and then pour it into the glass jar.
  • Then add the cotton pads and moisten well. Then use these pads to remove make-up.

3. Vaseline for the eyes


Mascara and eyeliner are often waterproof to make them last longer, so they cannot be easily removed with water.

Take some petroleum jelly and use it to remove the mascara and eyeliner. Then remove the excess petroleum jelly with a soft cloth.

In this way, you can not only remove the make-up, but also  moisturize the sensitive skin in this area and promote the growth of the eyelashes.

4. Almond oil

Almond oil is a natural source of vitamin E and essential fatty acids that have various benefits for the skin.

Many women regularly use this as a makeup remover, as the oily texture  makes it easy to get rid of these products while being gentle and nourishing to the skin.

The advantage compared to other oils is that almond oil does not clog the pores and does not impair the function of the sebum glands.

Simply apply a few drops to the desired areas and remove the remains of the make-up with a soft cloth.

5. Remove make-up from lips


Even if the lipstick can no longer be seen, it is important to clean the lips in the evening, because it usually leaves residues that are difficult to see.

Simply put some oil or cleansing milk on cotton wool and use it to gently cleanse your lips from the outside in.

6. Use coconut oil

Coconut oil can be used in many ways: it not only removes make-up,  but also moisturizes and protects the skin from premature wrinkling. 

You can use coconut oil on the eyes and dry areas of the face. Simply massage in gently until it is absorbed by the skin.

Before the oil dries completely, you can remove any impurities with a cotton cloth.

7. Moisturizing toner

make-up removal

As soon as you have removed your face, it is advisable to use  a moisturizing toner to close the pores and refresh the skin.

This prepares the skin for rest and there will be fewer pimples or blackheads.

Did you find these tips useful? As you can see, it doesn’t take long to remove makeup and cleanse your  face. 

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