6 Diets That Will Strengthen Your Liver

Have you ever thought that the foods you eat can affect your liver? Here’s how you can take care of your life by watching your diet.  

6 diets that will strengthen your liver

The liver is one of the largest organs in the human body. Among other things, it is responsible for the digestion of food, the storage of energy and the elimination of toxins. For this reason, experts recommend a diet that can strengthen your liver. Read on to find out more!

The liver and why we should care about it

The liver is a key organ for the digestive system to function. However, we rarely think about the important work it is doing. In fact, diseases that affect the liver are becoming more common.

The Canadian Liver Society has reported that one in four Canadians will soon have liver disease, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

In addition, the death rate from liver cancer, which affects more than 700,000 people worldwide each year, has increased 3% annually since 2000.

Because of these alarming facts, changing your diet could be important to protecting your liver and health. Discover six diets that can strengthen your liver below .

6 diets that will strengthen your liver

1. The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet can strengthen your liver
The Mediterranean diet provides your body with all the nutrients it needs.

Among the best diets to protect the liver, the Mediterranean diet stands out. In fact, it is considered to be one of the healthiest diets in the world. Based on the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, “good” fats like olive oil, grains and dairy products, this type of diet is ideal for protecting your liver.

These foods, in combination with fish and moderate consumption of red meat, provide your body with the necessary minerals and vitamins. Your liver needs these vitamins to metabolize fats. In addition, vitamin C protects the liver cells from harmful substances.

2. Eat a macrobiotic diet to strengthen your liver

The macrobiotic diet is mainly based on the intake of whole grains, followed by fruits, vegetables and legumes. When well organized and planned, the macrobiotic diet can provide your body and liver with all of the nutrients they need to function properly.

Contact your doctor and ask him about it!

3. A diet for people with fatty liver

Moderate your red meat consumption to save your liver
It is important that you moderate your red meat consumption to save your liver.

People who suffer from fatty liver should avoid high-calorie foods and dishes to prevent fat from continuing to accumulate in the liver cells. It’s also a good idea to include high-fiber foods in your diet to stimulate bile production.

4. A diet for people with cirrhosis

If your liver is already damaged, you will need to adjust your diet accordingly to make sure the condition doesn’t get worse. To do this, you have to moderate your consumption of proteins in your diet and also limit your salt consumption.  

Consult your doctor so they can assess your particular situation and create a meal plan based on your nutritional needs.

5. A diet for people with hemochromatosis

Reduce your salt intake to protect your liver
Reduce your salt intake to protect your liver and overall health!

Hemochromatosis is the accumulation of iron in the liver. If you have this condition, you should avoid iron intake. For this reason, you should eliminate foods like liver, black pudding, Swiss chard, spinach, shellfish, and nuts from your diet.

6. A diet for people with hepatitis C.

The hepatitis C virus attacks the liver. If you have this condition, you should adjust your eating habits accordingly to reduce your iron and salt intake. To minimize your salt intake, you should switch to herbs and spices.

Talk to your doctor for more information.

Foods to include in your diet to help strengthen your liver

Coffee could have positive effects on liver health
Coffee could help eliminate the substances that can cause cancer.

We chose to mention two specific foods here as various studies attribute them to liver health benefits.

1. Coffee can strengthen your liver

A recent study concluded that moderate coffee consumption could help reduce the risk of liver disease.

Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2014 found that coffee can help reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver while providing antioxidants. Coffee can also help rid the liver of substances that could cause cancer.

2. Fatty fish can strengthen your liver

Another food that you should include in your diet to maintain liver health is fatty fish, as well as supplements that contain fish oil. Eating fatty fish could help prevent liver disease, according to a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.

Fatty fish like salmon or herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These in turn help reduce inflammation and, in particular, can prevent excess fats from building up in the liver.

Foods to avoid so as not to affect your liver health

Finally, in addition to the liver protection diets mentioned above, we must also mention those foods that regular or excessive consumption can harm your liver.

1. Alcohol

Nobody will forbid you to drink alcohol. However, experts recommend consuming it consciously and moderately. Because excessive alcohol consumption can damage the cells of your liver and cause cirrhosis of the liver.

2. Foods that are high in sugar, fats, and salt

Excessive consumption of fats, salt, and sugar can lead to metabolic problems. For example, did you know that saturated fats can increase the storage of lipids in the liver, which in the long term can lead to fatty liver?

Overall, diets are balanced to protect your liver and provide your body with the nutrients it needs to perform at its best.

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