The Feminine Healing Power In You

Women with healing power believe in themselves and in their possibilities and use them to mature and heal themselves without forgetting their fellow men.

The feminine healing power in you

A popular topic in anthropology is the feminine healing power that  every woman harbors and brings to light through experience over time.

This healing power enables women to look at things with greater transcendence, find balance, and develop intuition and wisdom.

This gives women the knowledge that they can best help themselves to acquire knowledge, love and values.

Today we invite you to reflect on this topic, which can also be of great use to you.

The female healing power

Feminine healing power

The figure of the woman is mostly associated with care,  upbringing of children and care. 

  • Women often feel obliged to give all their energy and love to the family and therefore often forget to take care of themselves. 
  • We are often used to grandmothers and mothers who stay in the background and also hold back socially.
  • This is still often the case. Many women put their life partner, children, parents, etc. first, forgetting themselves in the process.
  • Through love and concern for others, your own identity is often  neglected and  self-esteem is lost along the way.

Therefore it is important to see other perspectives, because the female healing power is of the utmost importance in our society.

Things that we long for or needs that we perceive as emptiness are actually within ourselves.

We ourselves have healing powers when we care for each other with love, attach the importance we deserve and learn to appreciate what we have achieved or lost.

All of this gives us strength and takes us a little further towards wisdom.

The healing woman embraces her inheritance

To dance

The female healing power arises in the past in order to move freely from the present into the future. 

This can only be achieved if one’s roots are accepted and one forgives oneself and others if injuries arise along the way.

  • Forgiving means by no means giving in or tolerating wrongdoing. Forgiving means “letting go” in order to move on. It means moving forward and trusting in yourself.
  • The female healing power is also based on a strong connection to other women: to mother, sister, friends …
  • This connection has a healing effect, because there is nothing better than sharing experiences, being able to speak out, helping one another, listening to someone or giving advice. So you can build a strong identity yourself.

How do I recognize and use my feminine healing power

Meditating woman

One recognizes the female healing power through the  inner psychological and emotional maturity that is reached at some point in life. It allows you to be yourself and make your own decisions.

The following aspects are very important:

Self love

It is very nice to deeply love family, life partner, children and friends. However, a mature woman also understands that if she has not learned to love herself, her affection cannot be authentic.

  • Without healthy self-love, fears, doubts and emptiness arise.
  • The mature woman understands that self-love has nothing to do with selfishness,  but is the foundation of mental health.

Good-naturedness, strength and trust in your own intuition

As soon as a woman has recognized her healing power, she no longer expects anything from others, but only from herself,  whom she knows that she is courageous and capable.

  • She looks at life with love and respect. She will do everything for her fellow human beings without forgetting herself.
  • Experience, serenity and resilience are your companions. These were given to her by her mother, grandmother and all the other women she saw fighting and who made their sadness their strength.
  • She never forgets the balance between reason and intuition. She understands that she must be receptive and always observe. And she knows that there is no place for selfishness.

To make a decision, she listens to the  voice of her intuition, to her gut feeling.  Her experiences, her wisdom and her healing power show her the right way.

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