7 Rules To Avoid Mistakes In Breakfast

We all know it: breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. In order to live healthier, we give you tips for an ideal breakfast.

7 rules to avoid mistakes at breakfast

We all know that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Whether it’s losing weight or just living healthier, here are some tips to help you avoid making breakfast mistakes.

Do you feel like reading these recommendations and putting them into practice and avoiding breakfast mistakes ?

The day often begins with a hectic pace and we don’t even take the time to finish our coffee. This makes us feel unenergized and uncomfortable quickly . Breakfast mistakes that will take their toll in the long run.

It is important to take a moment to understand how well an ideal breakfast can help us get through the day.

 Why is breakfast so important?

  • Leaving the house without an ideal breakfast leads to a lack of concentration and a bad mood. Because then our blood sugar level is too low to supply our brain with enough energy.
  • Do not forget that our body has not received any nutrients for about eight hours in the morning.
  • If children do not have breakfast, this can even endanger academic performance and physical and mental development.
  • Breakfast can provide us with vitamins and minerals that are essential to get through the day well.
  • People who have a varied and correct breakfast in a balanced way are much more likely to maintain their ideal weight. It is desirable to have five meals a day, with breakfast being one of the most important.

Avoid mistakes at breakfast: seven basic rules

 1. Alkaline foods make an ideal breakfast


Breakfast Mistake: Don’t start the day with a sour breakfast. If you get up in the morning with an unpleasant taste in your mouth, it is because you have an overly acidic diet.

In this case, ideally you start the day with a lemon or orange juice, a white tea and an apple. Combined, these foods have the same effect as coffee.

The majority of the fruits are alkaline. So don’t forget to have a piece of fruit or fresh juice for breakfast.

 2. Whole grain cereals

When it comes to carbohydrates that are good for our figure and improve our health, one should always choose whole grain cereals, such as bread made from oats, barley, quinoa, etc.

Avoid refined and highly processed grains. It is not natural and can be harmful to health.

 3. Do not combine sweet with salty

“How come?” you might ask yourself. So can’t I have a fruit salad and a sandwich with it? Of course you can, but doing so may put strain on your stomach.

The sugar in fruit is easy to digest and only stays in the stomach for a short time. However, if you eat heavier or salty foods with it, the fructose can contribute to inflammation. It is therefore advisable not to do this.

4. Proteins for an ideal breakfast


Many people have eggs, milk, or even sausages for breakfast in the morning. Not only are these foods very heavy, but they can also harm us in the long term.

Instead, a vegetarian breakfast is worthwhile . How about soy sprouts on the fruit salad (with nuts)? These foods are ideally suited to help our brain perform at its best.

 5. Avoid dairy products

Recently, studies have repeatedly been published that show that dairy products have negative sides: lactose intolerance, inflammation, migraines, acidification of the blood, mucus in the intestines …

If you also have respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies, dairy products will only make it worse. So prefer soy or almond milk!

6. Sit down at breakfast

If you eat hastily, it will make your stomach sick. Take your time, eat in peace, and chew slowly so that the nutrients can be properly absorbed.

Relax with some music and leave the house relaxed, full and with enough energy to manage the day well.

 7. Drink enough

Lemon juice

It is important that you leave the house with enough fluids in your body every morning. Our brain needs it to function and our kidneys rid our organism of toxins in this way.

It is therefore advisable to drink at least two glasses of water during breakfast.

You can enrich the first glass with a little lemon juice, because this helps to cleanse the body from the inside out. After breakfast, you can simply drink a glass of water to finish off before you leave the house.

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