High-fiber Foods For Long-lasting Satiety

If you eat enough high-fiber foods, you will feel full for a long time, which is particularly helpful when losing weight.

High-fiber foods for long-lasting satiety

High fiber foods are not only good for filling you up for a long time, they also slowly raise blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, prevent colon cancer, and have other health benefits.

Fiber-rich foods as “health insurance!

Foods rich in fiber are less and less on the menu. We are used to skipping whole grain products in stores, peeling fruit and vegetables before consumption, consuming white flour products several times a day and eating low-seeded fruit.

These “modern” eating habits are anything but healthy, because when fiber is missing in the diet, some health problems are inevitable. High fiber foods can:

  • lower and regulate cholesterol levels,
  • let the blood sugar level rise only slowly,
  • cause a long feeling of satiety,
  • nourish the natural intestinal flora,
  • promote bowel movements and
  • prevent colon cancer.

So you see that fiber can maintain and promote health and prevent diseases. In addition, they cause a slow rise in blood sugar levels, which leads to long periods of satiety and makes you eat less.

This is important for diet success and for maintaining your dream weight. In the following we will show you which foods contain a particularly high amount of fiber:

High fiber foods: chia seeds

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are very rich in fiber, bind a lot of fluids and can satiate you for a long time and regulate digestion. So if you have eaten chia seeds, you have to drink a lot to give the seeds liquid to swell!

It is recommended to eat around 15g of chia seeds per day. That’s not much, about a tablespoon or two. Weigh it yourself at home, then you will know the amount you need!

high fiber foods: flaxseed


Flaxseeds are particularly high in fiber if you process them into meal or chew them very thoroughly. Flaxseed meal is available ready-made in organic shops or health food stores and it supplements mueslis, baked goods or smoothies with valuable fiber.

As with chia, it is very important to drink enough fluids with flaxseed!

Vegetables can prevent cancer.

fruit and vegetables

Fruit contains “invisible” soluble fiber in the form of pectins, for example. In addition, there is still a lot of fiber in fruit if you consume the peel. Please always buy organically grown fruit so that you can eat the bowl without hesitation.

Citrus fruits are particularly high in fiber if you only coarsely peel them. Even fruits with small seeds such as strawberries, raspberries, currants, grapes etc. contain lots of fiber. Chew the seeds up to break down their ingredients!

The same applies to vegetables: if you eat them with their peel, you increase the fiber content. Potatoes, for example, also taste good with their skin on, and cucumbers also taste good with their skin on. Also note here that the consumption of the peel requires controlled organic cultivation.

Vegetables that are high in fiber are also very high fiber foods. These include green beans, cabbage, asparagus, leafy vegetables and legumes. The more colorful your plant-based diet, the more versatile and high in fiber it is!

Whole wheat flour products

A grain product that is made from whole, unpeeled grain, is a “whole grain product”. It is completely independent which type of grain it is. So-called “brown rice” is also a whole grain product, as the outer shell is still intact.

A real wholemeal biscuit is baked from wholemeal flour and not just made or decorated from “dark flour” or “with grains”.

Pasta such as noodles can also be made from wholemeal flour and are particularly recommended. If the wholemeal flour is particularly finely ground, it looks significantly lighter.

high fiber foods: cereals


Oats are a valuable source of carbohydrates – because the most important fuel for our muscle engine is and will remain carbohydrates. The carbohydrates with which our organism can do something in the long term are of course not those from sugar, but those that are found in cereal products.

The carbohydrates from oatmeal also keep you full for a long time because they contain a lot of fiber and thus prevent us from snacking and nibbling unnecessarily between meals and thus unnecessarily increasing our weight or dieting success in the stars.

Other cereal flakes are high-fiber foods too! Try mixtures of different types of cereal as muesli flakes or test your way through the appropriate shelf in the (organic) shop until you have found your favorite cereal flakes.

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