Bed-wetting – Causes And Treatment Tips

Sometimes this can also happen during the day.

Bed-wetting - causes and treatment tips

While doctors and psychologists refer to this problem as nocturnal enuresis , it is popularly called bed-wetting.

This means that children (or sometimes adults) cannot control the urge to urinate while they sleep. Sometimes this can also happen during the day. In this post, you will learn more about the causes and different treatment options for  bedwetting .

What is enuresis?


This is uncontrolled emptying of the bladder in children over 4 years of age. This can happen both at night, which affects sleep, and during the day, which makes everyday life more difficult. Today we are concerned with those cases that can be solved with very simple measures.

Controlling emptying of the bladder is a natural development process that is learned between the ages of 15 and 18 months. Several factors play a role, in particular that parents are slowly teaching children to go to the bathroom and to stop using diapers.

As soon as this has been learned, the child can independently control the emptying of the bladder  and tell when they feel the need to urinate. A child can usually control himself by the age of 4 to 5.

There are several techniques for learning this. Pediatricians, books or even tips from grandparents or other parents can be helpful.


However, if the control is not successful, unwanted bed-wetting can occur during sleep. Nocturnal enuresis appears around the age of 5 and can occur sporadically or continuously.

In severe cases, bed-wetting can persist into adolescence. There are many forms of treatment, both psychological and medical measures can be taken. Once the causes are known, the problem can usually be solved with a little patience.

It should be taken into account that bed-wetting can trigger depression, shame, shyness, low self-esteem, etc. and the situation cannot be improved by ranting. Patience, understanding, and help are required to achieve positive results.


Possible causes of bed wetting:

  • The bladder is too small (frequent urination may indicate this).
  • Inappropriate learning technique.
  • Stress, nervousness, anxiety, change of residence, separation of parents, school problems, problems with siblings.
  • Learning to control urination early or late.

To note

The child takes time

If the child is 5 years old and cannot control at night, we shouldn’t go to the doctor right away after the first time. If it recurs every now and then or every night, a doctor should investigate the cause. However, this is still considered normal up to the age of 8.

Don’t laugh at, blame, or curse

Punishment has no effect because the child is out of control of the situation. It is not yet responsible for this. Punishment may even create more pressure, worry, nervousness, or a sense of failure and worsen the child’s mood.

Diapers should not be used again


There are several reasons for this: The child should develop and mature and not resort to diapers again. In addition, it can feel uncomfortable and ashamed with diapers, this and other psychological aspects should not be forgotten.

The intake of fluids should not be prohibited

Avoiding drinking is not the solution, the goal is to learn to control your urination.

Do not wake the child while sleeping

Waking the child up at night and taking them to the toilet disrupts sleep and makes no sense. Only if the child wakes up and gets up on their own would this be a solution.

It should not be forgotten that feelings and emotions play a very important role.

The child is already big enough to explain what happened. Make them feel like they can trust you and tell you anything without being scared. The child must be actively involved in solving the problem.

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