Emotional Self-help: Healing From Within

Emotional wounds represent an obstacle that makes the way forward difficult. No one can heal these wounds as well as you can. Learn more about the causes of emotional hurt and how to overcome them.

Emotional self-help: healing from within

No one is spared in life from suffering or suffering from emotional pain. Sometimes we make mistakes that we later regret, this is part of the normal learning process. Self-help can help you in such situations.

However, if you look into the past and realize that the wounds have not yet healed, they will affect the rest of your life  because we have not learned to use the mechanisms of emotional self-help that everyone carries within themselves.

Emotional self-help to heal wounds that are preventing you from moving forward

As long as you don’t solve your problems, the wounds will remain.  You build up an inner protective barrier because you don’t want to suffer again. But why suffer again? Shouldn’t everything be already resolved?

Self-help with emotional wounds

Emotional wounds take time to heal, just like physical injuries. However, if they are not cured, they will burden you for life, constantly reminding you of all the pain that you have endured and still hurt.

Emotional self-help is therefore crucial in order to heal you. Only you can achieve this yourself, even if you seek advice from others on how you can best cope with these negative experiences. But only you can really free yourself from your own wounds. 

We all have the ability to self-heal our emotions. This is not easy, but you should be aware of the possibilities of self-help and put them into practice correctly.

In today’s post we will help you with this, because you too have the right to happiness and to close wounds that have caused you great pain. It is time for these to scar.

Nobody knows you as well as you do

Sad woman

You  know yourself best and can therefore help yourself the best. You know where to start, what to avoid, where the strength resides in you to achieve what you really want.

Therefore, you should follow a few recommendations in order to go the right way through emotional self-help. Let’s start with that!

1. Don’t run away from your feelings

Emotions can be very painful at times, so, like fear, often the first reaction is to run away from it.

But this does not solve the problem, it can actually make it even worse. Recognize and accept the pain, suffer from it, feel it and cope with it.

Face your problems, even if it hurts too much, but this way you will overcome them stronger, even if it is difficult to understand in this situation.

2. Do not judge yourself

You cannot judge your emotions simply because you cannot control them. You cannot decide for yourself when you want to feel anger, sadness or hatred and when you don’t.

Therefore, you cannot judge these feelings as negative. They are natural reactions to certain circumstances.

Ca n’t you understand your feelings? Try to figure out the causes. Is there resentment or hatred behind it? You have to question yourself about the causes of your feelings in order to accept them. So you can learn from it and take a first step towards healing.

3. Embrace conflicting feelings


We all have conflicting feelings, especially when we feel hurt. You cannot simply deny it or ignore it. This does not help you to heal yourself, on the contrary.

Accept and embrace these feelings. This is the only way you can see some light at the end of the tunnel and cope with bad feelings.

4. Disregard irrational thoughts

Why me? What did I do to deserve this? – These are questions that sometimes plague our thoughts and prevent us from overcoming pain. The first step is to forgive! Don’t start with others but with yourself.

You are not to blame for negative things that happen to you in life. Others cannot help it either, it was simply unfavorable circumstances or moments that are responsible for this situation. Forgiveness sets you free and helps heal the wounds.

5. Learn and Grow!

All experiences, no matter if they are positive or negative, represent an opportunity to learn new things and to grow. Negative experiences shouldn’t block or paralyze you.

If you put into practice the advice we have already given you, you will know that you can learn good things from bad situations and grow with them.


If you don’t practice providing emotional self-help, you will continue to fall into the same mistakes and suffer. This can lead to deep sadness and disappointment that will not keep you moving forward in life.

You should therefore always try to heal wounds as quickly as possible. Time goes by very quickly, so it’s best to learn quickly too!

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