4 Great Peelings With Brown Sugar

peelings remove dead skin cells. Brown sugar and other ingredients also pamper your skin.

4 great brown sugar scrubs

Does your skin feel dull and needs a little maintenance? We’ll show you how you can make 4  great scrubs with brown sugar yourself.

Sugar is one of the most widely used ingredients in natural peels. This is because it is particularly gentle on the skin and does not irritate the delicate facial skin.

Sugar also easily removes residue from the skin, which cleanses the pores and helps cells regenerate.

Regardless of your skin type, the following recipes for  great brown sugar scrubs will produce wonderful results.

Forget blackheads and dry skin. Try it!

Which sugar should you use?

There are many different types of sugar in the supermarket, but not all of them are great for exfoliating. It’s best to use brown sugar.

Basically all types of granulated sugar are suitable. But unrefined or brown sugar is usually a bit coarser than white sugar and therefore more effective for peelings.

Recipes for great scrubs

1. Brown sugar and lemon

Lemon makes great scrubs

The first peeling that we would like to introduce to you, declares war on dark skin discolorations, which usually appear on the neck, elbows and knees.

It can also lighten the skin a little overall. However, you should avoid direct sunlight for at least 48 hours after use.


  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar

Preparation and use

  • Mix the two ingredients together well.
  • Wash your skin with mild soap. Then apply the scrub to the skin and massage it in with circular movements.
  • Wash off the scrub with warm water.

Use a moisturizer after drying it. If your skin feels dry, use a little more cream or a little olive oil.

2. Brown sugar and green tea

Green tea has incredible antibacterial and antioxidant properties. We therefore recommend this scrub if you want to prevent pimples, stretch marks or wrinkles.

You can use the scrub all over your body or just on specific areas. For a special aroma, simply add one or two drops of essential oil of your choice.


  • 250 ml of cold green tea
  • 200 g of brown sugar

Preparation and use

  • Mix the ingredients well together and pour the mixture into a jar.
  • Use the scrub while showering once a week after you’ve rinsed off the soap.

3. Blackberries, coconut, and brown sugar

Blackberry makes great scrubs

Can you think of anything more appetizing than fresh blackberries? But they are not only delicious, they are also very healthy. They enrich the body from the inside as well as from the outside.

Blackberries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that fight free radicals. This will make your skin glow and make you look younger. Coconut oil provides even more antioxidants and also makes the skin soft.

We recommend this scrub especially for areas where you have wrinkles or scars. After a short while, you will notice that your skin looks smoother and the damage is less noticeable.


  • 30 g frozen blackberries
  • 100 g of brown sugar
  • 100 g coconut oil

Preparation and use

  • Thaw the blackberries and mash them into a paste.
  • Add the sugar and coconut oil and mix everything together well.
  • Put the scrub in a jar.
  • Use the scrub in the shower once a week.

4. Exfoliating soap with brown sugar and matcha tea

This peeling soap supplies the skin with antioxidants, cleanses the skin and gives it a seductive scent.

Use the soap instead of your regular shower gel. It is particularly suitable for people with sensitive skin.


  • 200 g pure vegetable soap for further processing
  • 2 tablespoons of matcha powder
  • 1 tablespoon of almond oil
  • 2 tablespoons of ground coffee
  • 100 g of brown sugar


  • Let the soap melt according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and mix everything together well.
  • Pour the mixture into the hollows of an ice cube tray or other small molds of your choice.
  • Place the soap in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and then remove it from the molds.
  • You can keep the bars of soap in small sachets or wrap them in parchment paper until you need them.

Application tips

great scrubs are good for the skin

All of our peeling recipes are very mild and suitable for all skin types. But you should consider a few points in order to benefit from the scrubs:

  • Always use natural ingredients. You should always buy products that you trust and know the quality of. Above all, this means buying fresh fruit and not using processed products.
  • Store your scrubs in jars with screw or snap closures. Glass ensures that the active ingredients are retained. Plastic cans can react with the ingredients and release harmful substances.
  • Put the scrubs in a cool place. They contain fruits, oils, and infusions that could spoil, so don’t let them sit too long.
  • Also, avoid placing the jar in the sun. If it’s very warm, it’s best to put the jar in the refrigerator.

    Try the recipes and see for yourself how great scrubs with brown sugar can make your skin glow!

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