Why Should We Drink Liver Tea Every Evening?

Boldo allows us to prepare a tea that can be drunk every evening and with which we protect the liver. The work of the biliary system is optimized, the organism is detoxified and we can fall asleep better

Why should we drink liver tea every night?

The liver is one of the organs most affected by the effects of an unhealthy diet, exposure to pollutants, and even negative emotions. We should therefore take special care of the liver and thus prevent diseases. In this article, we’ll explain the benefits of drinking liver tea every evening . You will see that such a simple, natural remedy can do a lot for your health.

The importance of the liver

The liver is one of the largest organs in our body and one of the most important. The liver is the central metabolic organ and its tasks include building up substances – those that we need for energy production and tissue regeneration – and breaking down other substances, e.g. nutrients that we ingest through food and toxins . The liver also supports digestion through the bile it produces.

Although the liver suffers greatly from the modern lifestyle with all its unhealthy habits, it is also characterized by a great ability to regenerate. When liver cells go under, they are rebuilt. It is seldom too late when we decide to value and protect our liver.

Liver tea

What is Liver Tea?

Liver tea is prepared on the basis of medicinal plants that support the liver’s function, relieve it by influencing other organs or stimulate their regeneration. Liver teas usually also protect the biliary system, which is anatomically and physiologically very closely related to the liver.

Such teas are used to prevent diseases of the liver-biliary system. If you already suffer from such a disease, we recommend that you consult your doctor before adding these teas to your daily routine.

It is important with all of these teas that they have enough time to steep. The slightly bitter taste of the teas presented here should be a small price to pay for their health-promoting effects.

You can choose a medicinal plant whose tea you particularly like, but you can also combine them. Ready-to-eat tea blends that you can use to protect your liver are often available in health food stores .

Which tea can protect the liver?

There are some medicinal plants that are particularly known for their beneficial effects on the liver and that can help prevent liver diseases.

Milk thistle

Liver tea made from milk thistle

The milk thistle stands out because it stimulates the regeneration of the liver. It supplies the organism with vitamin C, minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and selenium, linoleic acid and flavonoids such as quercetin.


The special thing about the dandelion is that it can protect the liver and kidneys at the same time. Optimizing the function of these organs helps to purify the body of metabolic waste products and toxins. The production of bile is increased. Dandelion infusions are very suitable for people who suffer from fatty liver.


Boldo contains various alkaloids, eg Boldin, which support the liver in its function and stimulate both the secretion of bile fluid and its introduction into the intestine. This improves digestion and the intestines can clean themselves better. Digestive disorders are prevented and we can sleep better.


By the consumption of the corresponding teas we supply our bodies with linoleic acid, oleic acid and caffeic acid, which protect the liver and promote its regeneration, when chronic liver disease be associated with hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver failure.

Green tea

We would like to mention green tea here because its consumption is also very good for the liver. It’s high in antioxidants and health benefits in other ways too.

However, green tea has a slightly stimulating effect and should therefore not be drunk in the evening if possible, especially not by people who have trouble falling asleep. If you want to go through or fall asleep without any problems as soon as you come into contact with the bed linen, you can of course still enjoy it late at night. Everyone else can safely drink green tea during the day and do something for their health with it.

How should we drink the liver tea?

  • The tea should be fairly concentrated so that we can consume the required amount of ingredients in a not too large amount of water. Otherwise we wake up at night because the bladder is squeezing. Half a glass of tea, that’s 100 ml, is enough.
  • We should give the tea enough time to pull through. Then we drink it warm or already lukewarm.
  • If we add the juice of half a lemon to the tea , we increase its effect on the liver and at the same time drown out its slightly bitter taste.
  • If you are one of those people who likes to drink their tea sweet, then use stevia in the form of fresh leaves or as an extract.
  • Liver tea is drunk in the evening, but not after 11 p.m.
Tea for the liver

Why in the evening?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver and gallbladder recover in the early hours of the morning. We drink the tea in the evening so that the active ingredients that we have ingested through the tea are available for our central metabolic organ at this point in time.

Incidentally, for the same reason, it is crucial that dinner is a light meal that is not eaten too late. In this way, the liver has already finished processing dinner in the early hours of the morning. She can use all of her energy for her own regeneration.

These simple pieces of advice enable us to have a more restful sleep and let us start the day with charged energy stores.

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