Soda-honey Syrup For Your Health

To get the best benefit from the soda-honey syrup presented here, you should definitely use high quality organic honey. Because it has the best medicinal properties.

Soda and honey syrup for your health

Both baking soda and honey are well-known and effective natural remedies. Many use them to treat health problems. Or for the manufacture of products for beauty and care. Still, many people are unaware that they can combine the two. This is where this baking soda and honey syrup comes out, for example . And it has excellent properties for your health!

In this article we will show you how you can make a baking soda and honey syrup from these two natural ingredients . Because this can improve your health.

Among other things, you can use it to strengthen your immune system. It also helps eliminate toxins. It also has a regulating effect on the digestive system. And last but not least, it improves dental health.

Soda and honey syrup: a power pack

Baking soda

Soda (or actually sodium hydrogen carbonate) is a really extremely useful and versatile product.

It is used in a wide variety of areas: to improve health problems. It is also used in the manufacture of products for care and beauty. And it also works well in the household.

While it is most commonly used as a heartburn remedy. But beyond that, baking soda actually has numerous other positive properties that you may also be interested in:

  • Soda has an excellent base-forming effect. That said, it’s not only good for acid-related stomach issues. In addition, it neutralizes excess acidity in the blood. This in turn has a negative impact on your organism and can make you sick.
  • Soda also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • It also helps against tartar. It also prevents bad breath and inflammation of the gums.
  • Baking soda can also lower blood sugar levels.
  • It also has a relieving effect on urinary tract infections.
  • It also has an anti-inflammatory effect in general.
  • It prevents gout and high uric acid levels.
  • In addition, baking soda can speed up the healing process for colds and flu.
Soda for baking soda and honey syrup

In addition, baking soda is also characterized by a variety of other uses.

You can use it for various external applications, for example . And it can also do a good job in the household. Here are a few examples:

  • You can use it to fight dandruff. And also cleanse the scalp of excess sebum.
  • Soda also acts as an exfoliator for the skin. And it can help remove impurities.
  • It’s a good household cleaner.
  • Baking soda can help whiten teeth.
  • You can use it on unsightly skin spots.
  • It is also a natural deodorant.
  • Last but not least, baking soda can neutralize bad odors in the home.

Bee honey

Bee honey is a real superfood! It’s very nutritious. And a natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

It is also ideal as a healthy sweetener. So you can do without white sugar once and for all. Because this does not actually bring you any benefit. What’s more, white sugar is bad for your health.

Bee honey has the following properties:

  • It is an excellent remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, flu and colds.
  • Honey alleviates the signs of the aging process triggered by the free radicals in our body.
  • Honey also calms the nervous system. And it supplies your body with energy and lots of nutrients.
  • It also prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Honey improves digestion.
  • It also has a stimulating effect on the metabolism. This allows him to help you lose weight.
  • It facilitates the absorption of calcium and magnesium. It is therefore particularly recommended for children and women during pregnancy and menopause. In addition, honey is also very effective in preventing tooth and bone problems.
  • Honey helps remove excess fluids from the body.
  • It also works well for constipation. Darker types of honey are particularly effective.
  • It prevents insomnia and can help you sleep better.

You can also use it for the following external applications:

  • Honey has a disinfecting effect on wounds and accelerates recovery and wound healing.
  • When you make a honey mask, it nourishes and protects your skin.
  • As a conditioner, it gives your hair shine and suppleness.
  • Honey is also a natural preservative for food.
  • It can also prevent acne.

How do you prepare the baking soda and honey syrup?

As already mentioned, we recommend using pure organic honey. You can find many types of adulterated honey in the market today. These can contain sugar, additives, and even antibiotics.

For this reason, you should choose good quality honey. Because this has certainly retained its healing properties.


  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (27 g)
  • 7 tablespoons of honey (175 g)
Bee honey baking soda honey syrup

What do you have to do?

  • If the honey is firm, you will need to warm it up in a water bath first. This is how it becomes liquid. And even later it will not become solid again.
  • Then you add the baking soda and mix everything together well.
  • You should then store this mixture, our baking soda and honey syrup, in an airtight glass container at room temperature.

How do you take the baking soda honey syrup?

You should take one teaspoon of this syrup at a time, as follows:

  • On an empty stomach.
  • Half an hour before lunch.
  • And also half an hour before dinner.

It is recommended to do this treatment for at least three weeks. After this time, you can take a break of a week. And then you can repeat the whole thing if you think it’s necessary.

Finally, it should be said that you should ideally do this treatment twice a year. Preferably you should do this in spring and fall.

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