Healthy Sleeping Teas

Linden blossoms promote sleep, have a calming effect and relax the muscles. Headache, stomach ache, and pain in the neck and back can also be relieved with this herb.

Healthy sleeping teas

Many people suffer from insomnia and the consequences that can have a major impact on everyday life. There are  sleep teas that might help.

There are various primary and secondary causes.  Secondary causes relate to illnesses and ailments that disrupt sleep.

These can be emotional problems such as depression, stress or anxiety. Physical complaints such as arthritis, headaches, asthma, thyroid disorders, heartburn and menopausal symptoms, etc. can also cause sleep disorders.

Primary causes cannot be explained by other illnesses but are often due to bad habits. Both primary and secondary sleep disorders should be treated accordingly.

In this article, we recommend various supportive sleep teas that have a relaxing effect and help you sleep more calmly .

Valerian sleeping teas

valerian medicinal plant sleeping tea

This medicinal plant is very often and has been recommended for a long time for people having trouble falling asleep.  It has a calming and muscle relaxing effect. Valerian is also very effective against stress, depression, tremors, stomach problems and menstrual pain.

Chamomile flower

Chamomile also promotes healthy sleep and also has other very positive properties. This medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory effects, naturally brightens hair color and relieves sore throats (gargle with chamomile tea).

Chamomile can also be used for external wound healing.

Sleeping teas made from linden blossoms

Linden blossom has a drowsy , calming and muscle relaxing effect  and relieves stomach pain and cramps. This medicinal plant is also excellent for rheumatism and respiratory diseases as well as headaches, stomach aches or sore throats.

Lemon balm


This plant is highly recommended as it calms the central nervous system, relieves stress, insomnia, palpitations and muscle cramps, and is also very good for digestion.


Hops have a calming effect and are therefore  recommended for sleep disorders and stress.  Hops are also suitable for digestive problems, migraines, exhaustion and to improve libido. Externally, this plant can be used to disinfect wounds.

Passionflower sleeping teas

passion flower

This plant contains numerous active ingredients with calming properties and therefore promotes relaxation and sleep. This medicinal plant is also effective for illnesses such as anxiety or withdrawal symptoms, dizziness or inflamed blood vessels.


Peppermint has a stabilizing effect on the nervous system and helps to fall asleep. This medicinal plant also prevents stomach problems and helps with gastritis and muscle cramps.

Tips for a good night’s sleep

  • Not watching TV late at night
  • Little and early dinner
  • Maintain regular sleep times
  • Take a shower before bed
  • Do not take your cell phone or computer with you to bed
  • Make sure you have a clean, healthy bedroom
  • Do not drink alcohol before sleeping
  • The mattress should not be too soft or too hard.

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