Respectful Children Arise From Respectful Upbringing

If you want your children to grow into respectful adults, your upbringing should be based on respect.

Respectful children arise from a respectful upbringing

The upbringing of our children is the cornerstone of how they develop as adults. If you  want respectful children, you have to raise them that way.

Those who do not raise their children with respect and love cannot expect these children to grow into adults who are treated with respect.

Treat children with respect!

It should be clear to you and your family from an early age: your children deserve respect! Just because they are still small, do not yet fully understand the world, does not mean that we treat them with less respect than adults!

Raising respectful children also means teaching values. One of these important values ​​and the resulting behavior is respect.

It’s not just about respect for other people. It is also about the respect of opinions, other living beings and everything that surrounds us.

If you show your children this respectful way of life, they will learn from you. It will be careful with its fellow human beings and with nature.


Respected children are loved, respectful children

Respect for children also means showing them love and appreciation, conveying to them: “I respect you with your little quirks, your different opinions, your little defiant head and your irrepressible thirst for knowledge in your little world …”

Respect doesn’t mean accepting everything your child does or doesn’t do, doesn’t want or doesn’t want. It is important to show him his limits in a respectful way.

Treating children with respect means explaining to them why their point of view may not be entirely correct. You have to explain to them that it is better to do what you think is right.

Sentences like “You don’t understand, you are still too small” or “Children don’t understand that anyway” would be disrespectful. This makes the child feel unloved and disrespected. It will build a wall of resistance around it.


Respect the child’s personality

Our children are determined by our genes, but they develop their own characters. We should respect these as well as characters of people with whom we are not blood relatives.

Respect that your son has his own stubbornness. Or your daughter has a different worldview than you and that your children may have traits that are completely new to you.

Our job is to support your own personal development with your own preferences, tastes and characters. We must approach them with respect and love.

In this way they learn that everyone can have a different character, their own opinion and their own preferences. They will show the same respect to their playmates – and as adults they will have matured into respectful people.


Understand your child’s feelings

Treating children with respect also means putting yourself in their place and feeling. To understand why they are angry, what they are afraid of and what they are happy about.

Those who explore the emotions of their counterpart also understand their reactions better and can meet them with respect.

Of course, this applies not only to small, but also to large people. Practice empathy, try to fathom the feelings of the other person – no matter how small. And treat them with respect.

Help your child channel, verbalize, and explain their feelings so that you understand why they are reacting the way they are reacting.

Even if you can’t always really understand your child’s point of view from an adult’s point of view. Respect his opinion, because with respect you show acceptance and love.

For example, if your child no longer wants to eat meat out of sheer love for animals, you have to respect this. Just as you would accept this with your colleague or neighbor. With this you show your child: “I take you seriously” and strengthen their personality!


Respectful children: listen to your children

Even if it is sometimes difficult to follow the little chatterboxes. Listen to your children when they want to tell you something!

That is also part of treating each other with respect! You show them that you take them and their opinion seriously and thereby strengthen their self-confidence.

Show your children that you are listening to them by asking questions, repeating their thoughts, sharing your views on the subject.

Treat them as you would listen to an adult and show them: “You are important to me”.

Ultimately, you show your offspring in everyday respectful dealings with one another how your child should deal with other people outside of the family. This is how you raise respectful children.

But never forget to point out boundaries and convey them just as respectfully as you would like to be treated yourself.

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