Make Your Own Aromatic Candles Against Insects

Aromatic candles are perfect for keeping annoying insects away and at the same time ensure a pleasant atmosphere. These decorative objects can easily be made by yourself.

Make aromatic candles against insects yourself

Aromatic candles not only have a relaxing effect,  they also create a pleasant ambience and are used to decorate various areas in the house.

You can easily make these yourself. These candles are also very helpful to drive away annoying mosquitoes or other insects, which can be very annoying especially in summer.

The scent that these candles give off stimulates the senses and is relaxing.

Today we will show you how you can make a candle yourself with which you can drive away the unpopular pests and at the same time scent your home.

Read on to learn more about it. It’s very easy!

Floating candles with citronella

aromatic candles

Citronella essential oil is a classic in the fight against annoying insects. However, you should note that the pests are not destroyed, but only kept away.

In certain situations it may therefore be necessary to take additional measures to repel insects.

Then we will explain how you can make floating candles yourself with citronella essential oil.

You need:

  • 2 glasses
  • 2 tealights that float
  • 10 fresh lavender sprigs
  • 2 lemons
  • 10 sage leaves
  • 2 limes
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)
  • 2 ribbons to decorate the glasses

How are the scented candles made?

All the ingredients are simply poured into the glass, but we will explain this a little more precisely:

  • First the aromatic herbs are poured into the glasses:  rosemary, lavender, sage …
  • Then cut the limes and lemons into slices more or less 1 cm thick and add them.
  • Then add 5 drops of citronella essential oil to each glass.
  • Fill up to about half of the glass with water so that the tea lights float in it.
  • You can buy floating tea lights in craft stores and also in well-stocked grocery stores.
  • Now you can decorate the glass with a ribbon. You can make a stitch to make the candles look pretty.

These scented candles are very decorative and drive away annoying mosquitoes.

Compact scented candles that drive away mosquitoes


The floating candles are very decorative and have a great smell, but the disadvantage is that they don’t last long.

That’s why we’ll show you how you can make wax candles yourself. These last longer and are also very effective against insects. 

You need:

  • 2 glasses in the size you want
  • Natural wax (depending on the size of the glasses you need more or less)
  • 2 candle wicks
  • 10 drops of citronella essential oil
  • Ribbons to decorate the candles

How are the candles made?

Make candles yourself

You will need some time to make the candles as you will need to melt the wax first. Then you will learn step by step how this is done.

  • It is best to use a candle wick that is already attached to a wick holder that you can simply attach to the bottom of the jar.
  • Place the empty glasses in the pipe to warm them up.
  • To do this, turn on the oven at a very low temperature and let the jars stand in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes. This makes the wax more compact when it is poured.
  • In the meantime, melt  the wax in a saucepan.
  • Once it has an oily consistency, it can be used. Take it off the stove and stir in the lavender essential oil.
  • Place the wick in the middle of each jar and then pour the wax into the jars. Be careful not to get burned!
  • Once the wax is cold, you can cut the wick.

You can now decorate your homemade scented candles with a ribbon and then use them.

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