What Is Colloidal Oats And What Is It Good For?

Colloidal oats are an ideal ingredient in skin care products. Thanks to its composition, it helps with a number of skin problems.

What is colloidal oats and what are they good for?

Colloidal oats is a natural product that has become known for its skin health-promoting properties. According to one in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology published articles , these are a skin-soothing agent, which due to its medical application of the United Outfit by the food monitoring and Drug Administration US Food and Drug Administration , abbreviated as FDA regulated.

Colloidal oats are currently available on the market in various forms, from oatmeal to shower products such as shampoo and shaving gel to moisturizers. What is its effect? Where is it mainly used? You can find information on this below.

What is Colloidal Oats?

For colloidal oats, the oat grain ( Avena sativa ) is ground ultra-finely until a very fine powder is created. Today this powder is used in the cosmetics industry in a wide range of personal care products, especially skin care products.

A study disseminated by Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology found that oats have a complex chemical composition that includes polisaccharides, lipids, proteins and flavonoids, as well as minerals and vitamins. It is also characterized by its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Colloidal oatmeal, powder

Properties of colloidal oatmeal

The nutritional composition of ultra-finely ground oats has a number of benefits that can help with skin problems in particular. Due to its anti-inflammatory and smoothing properties, oats help to repair the protective outer layer of the skin and thus provide relief from the following skin problems:

  • Rashes
  • Reddening of the skin
  • Itching and eczema
  • Dry skin
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Burns
  • Diaper eczema

The smoothing substances help keep the skin soft and supple and provide sufficient moisture to counteract itching and flaking. Colloidal oatmeal comes in a variety of forms that are generally safe for all skin types.

There are also studies suggesting that oats in this form are effective on extremely dry skin. Overall, it can be said that it is well tolerated and provides valuable support in trying to get rid of corticosteroids with all their side effects.

It must be pointed out, however, that oats are not a panacea for all skin diseases. In the case of burns, acne and dermatitis, you should always consult your dermatologist first to find out about treatment options. Oats are often used here to help combat symptoms.

How is the active ingredient used?

The simplest form of administration is to use the oatmeal directly as a powder when showering. However, as we mentioned earlier, it is also available in the form of gel, moisturizer, ointment, etc.

It is always important to follow the instructions for use on the package insert and to contact the doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions. Usually, oatmeal creams are applied directly to the affected areas of the skin. If your hands are dry, it is advisable to always apply cream to them after washing.

For use with diaper eczema, it is important to clean the affected areas well before applying cream. Particular caution is required in sensitive areas such as eyes, mouth, nose and genital area as well as in general with severely damaged and cracked skin.

How Safe is Colloidal Oats?

It is so safe that most people can use it. In fact, there are currently no known side effects to speak of.

However, if you are allergic to oats, you should refrain from it. Even if a burning sensation or an acute rash occurs after application, it is better to stop using the product.

How can I make colloidal oats myself?

Even if you can buy colloidal oatmeal directly in this form, it is also possible to make it yourself at home with a few simple steps for the perfect bath additive or face mask.

For this you need:

  • 1/2 cup whole grain oats (125 grams)
  • a food processor or hand blender


  • First you put the whole grain uncooked in the food processor
    • Now grind until you get a fine, white powder

    To test if it’s fine enough, mix a small portion with a little water. If the water turns a milky white color, your oatmeal is right.

    You can simply use the oatmeal as a bath additive, or make a paste for a face mask.

    For further reading: Skin care with aloe vera

    Colloidal oats help soften the skin

    There are many reasons to use oatmeal in skin care. It is a gentle remedy that is also suitable for people with intolerances. Due to its composition, it helps to maintain the protective layer of the skin and counteract dryness of the skin.

    The great thing is that it comes in so many forms and you can even make it yourself at home from the whole oat grain. Do you feel like trying it out? But always remember to clarify any doubts with the dermatologist.

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