Tips For A Better Short-term Memory

If you want a better short-term memory because you forget things very quickly, you can put today’s tips into practice.

Tips for a better short-term memory

Do you forget a lot of things quickly, don’t remember what you wanted in the kitchen or can’t remember what you definitely didn’t want to forget in the grocery store? If you  want better short-term memory , you can achieve a great deal through certain habits and training.

In today’s post you will find various tips that can be very useful. Read on to learn more about it.

Tips for a better short-term memory

There are two types of memory: short-term and long-term memory. Certain things are only saved for a very short time and are quickly forgotten again when they are no longer needed afterwards. The storage capacity of short-term memory is limited.

Long-term memory has practically infinite capacities, but things have to be repeated in order to be stored here. This takes focus and effort, like studying for an exam or doing things on a daily basis.

If you want a better short-term memory because you forget things very quickly, you can put today’s tips into practice.

1. Show attention

Woman using computer in the park wants better short-term memory

Focus on only one thing at a time. In recent years, multitasking has become more and more popular and necessary, we do all kinds of things at the same time, but the truth is that we are nowhere really at the point.

While it is sometimes convenient to do different things at the same time, we do not have the ability to focus equally well on different things.

Why not? One of the activities always needs more attention than the other, in the end we do not perform any of the tasks satisfactorily. The brain works better when it can devote itself to a single activity. 

2. Memory games for a better short-term memory

Short-term memory can be stimulated in a variety of ways. The brain reacts to certain stimuli and exercises in the same way as other muscles in the body do.

When you learn something new, the brain makes new neural connections, so stimulating memory and building new pathways is essential. But how? Memory games such as crossword puzzles, sudokus or similar activities are very helpful! 

3. Use all of your senses

Woman with glasses wants better short-term memory

Memories cannot be formed solely through pictures our eyes take in. You will surely remember a very special aroma from your childhood, for example the freshly baked bread your grandmother gave you or a song that your mother sang to you when you were scared …  You can use your senses even in adulthood! 

If you can’t remember a person’s name, repeat it over and over in a loud voice so your ears can help build the memory. If you want to remember a cooking recipe, give it a try and enjoy the taste on your palate.

4. Mnemonics

With different learning techniques, things can be remembered better : You can form funny word chains and associate things with pictures or sentences in order to have an aid to remembering certain dates or lists.

For example if you want to remember the planet, then you can this simple mnemonic aid will be useful: M a V ater e rklärt m ir j eden S onntag u ur N ervensystem. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).

You can come up with your own sentences, word strings, or rules that relate to personal information, such as the initials of family members, or to people who are important to you. Use tricks that will make it easier for you to memorize.

5. Split and organize

Split and organize for better short term memory

If you need to remember a 10-digit phone number, it’s easier to break it down into blocks of 2 or 3 digits each. Repeat the sequence of numbers several times until you can store it in your brain.

Another technique that is very helpful is to organize the information. You probably already depicted things graphically and schematically in school to help you remember them.

Underlining the most important information is also very useful! You can remember specific dates better if they are accompanied by a picture! 

6. Healthy eating for a better short-term memory

There is, of course, an important  link between diet and brain activity. A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids (eg salmon, nuts, avocado …) and vegetable proteins (fruit and vegetables) prevents premature aging and prevents mental or cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

7. Get enough sleep for better short-term memory

Sleep for a better short-term memory

Do you realize that information is more difficult to remember as the day comes to an end? Or that you have a hard time remembering something when you’ve only slept 3 to 4 hours?

This is because your brain needs enough sleep to recover, just like any other muscle:

Make sure you have a regular sleep routine: it should be between 7 and 8 hours! Always get up at the same time and go to sleep regularly. If you have time, you can take a 20-minute midday nap.

You shouldn’t watch TV in bed and avoid lavish meals in the evening to prevent insomnia!

8. Exercise!

Regular exercise can also be of great benefit in improving your short-term memory. As a result, the body is supplied with more oxygen, which also benefits the brain.

This makes it easier for you to remember information that you take in during the day. You can do cardio training (bike, treadmill, running …) to improve your brain functions.

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