The Healthy Butterfruit: 9 Positive Properties Of Avocado

Avocados are very helpful for people with arthritis because they contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents that can alleviate symptoms.

The healthy butterfruit: 9 positive properties of the avocado

Avocados are the most fatty fruits, so they have long been removed from all diet plans. But this  butterfruit is characterized by a wide variety of health- promoting properties and also helps you lose  weight!

They are considered a superfood, so the avocado should not be missing in your diet. It contains important fatty acids, vitamin E, proteins and other valuable nutrients. In addition, this  butterfruit provides  important fiber that supports weight loss and improves digestion. Then learn more about this topic. 

The healthy butterfruit

1. Avocados are rich in vitamins and minerals

Avocado is a butter fruit

It is estimated  that an avocado contains 20 vitamins and minerals that  promote the health of various systems of the organism.

One cup of avocado (225 g) provides the following nutrients:

  • Vitamin C: 25% of the recommended daily requirement
  • K: 39% of the recommended daily requirement
  • E: 16% of the recommended daily requirement
  • B9: 30% of the recommended daily requirement
  • Potassium: 21% of the recommended daily requirement

2. Protects cardiovascular health

The omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants contained in avocado make this fruit very healthy for the cardiovascular system.

The valuable fatty acids help clean the arteries  and also reduce harmful lipids such as LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

In addition, the potassium it contains helps regulate blood pressure and also improves blood circulation.

3. Improves eye health

Avocado eyes

Everyone knows that carrots are good for the eyes. But it is not the only food, nor is it the best for eyesight.

Avocados contain lutein, a carotenoid that is essential in preventing various eye diseases.

The antioxidants and the omega 3 contained in it  also prevent macular degeneration and preserve the natural moisture of the eyes.

4. Good for intestinal health

For those who suffer from constipation or digestive problems, it is also advisable to eat a piece of the butterfruit every day.

The avocado contains up to 80% dietary fiber,  which relieves flatulence and promotes intestinal persistence. It also protects the intestinal flora.

5. Has an anti-inflammatory effect

Avocados joint discomfort

Inflammation is believed to be the cause of many chronic diseases. But here too the avocado can do a lot. With regular consumption, the flavonoids and polyphenols it contains can reduce inflammation.

6. Prevents premature aging of the skin

Free radicals are one of the main culprits for premature skin aging. Various ingredients of the butterfruit, such as vitamin E, flavonoids and polyphenloe, have a strong antioxidant effect and  can therefore prevent oxidative stress and keep the skin young for longer.

In addition, it should not be forgotten that avocados also contain vitamin C, which promotes the production of collagen and elastin.

7. Relieves arthritis

Avocado arthritis

Patients suffering from ongoing arthritis-related pain can also find natural relief from this fruit.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents  reduce pain in the short term and generally improve joint health.

8. Beautiful nails

Avocados also contain biotin, which protects and strengthens the nails. One can achieve this goal by eating the butterfruit or applying it directly to the nails to benefit from the essential oils that moisturize and make the nails beautiful.

9. Benefits in and after pregnancy

Many doctors recommend that pregnant women include avocados in their diets because they  contain significant amounts of folic acid  (vitamin B9), which is known to reduce risks during pregnancy and childbirth.

Some doctors recommend avocados for babies as well. Because the valuable unsaturated fatty acids support healthy development. 

Since it is a very soft fruit, it can also be given to babies without any problems. However, it is always advisable to discuss this with the pediatrician first.

With avocados get young children

  • Potassium,
  • Folacin,
  • Vitamin B1 and B2 as well
  • Magnesium.

How often do you eat avocados? While it shouldn’t be overdone,  it is highly recommended that you eat this fruit more often during the week to get all of its benefits. Enjoy it!

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