5 Fantastic Reasons To Eat Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate not only supports the production of happiness hormones, it also helps improve heart and vascular health. But we should always look for the purest varieties.

5 fantastic reasons to eat dark chocolate

As far as we know, dark chocolate originated in Central America almost 4,000 years ago. The Mayans drank it as a holy drink in their rituals.

The cultivation and domestication of the cocoa plant from which dark chocolate and other varieties are made quickly became very important. As a result, they were upgraded over time for their spiritual, medical, political, and economic nature.

In this article, we’ll share with you five great reasons why you should eat dark chocolate every day. This ancient, irresistibly delicious food is also a natural remedy for some diseases. Aside from being an antioxidant, dark chocolate also improves cardiovascular health and regulates digestion.

Dark chocolate and cocoa

Right at the beginning we want to make it clear that in this article we are only reporting on the benefits of dark chocolate. Thanks to its high cocoa content, this food contains medicinal substances. Cocoa forms the healing component of this product. Other, less healthy varieties, such as milk chocolate, are therefore excluded.

We recommend choosing a dark chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa content. We can even use pure cocoa to make various drinks and foods with it. In this way we avoid ingredients that can be harmful to us, such as fats in the milk components or sugar.

Reasons to Eat Dark Chocolate

1. A powerful antioxidant

Cocoa beans

Dark chocolate is made from the seeds of the cocoa tree. It has even more antioxidant effects than fruit. 

Cocoa beans and drinking chocolate also contain many polyphenols, which are considered natural antioxidants. It was not for nothing that the cocoa bean was named a super food because of its nutrient-rich composition.

Of course, it has to be mentioned that chocolate loses some of its nutrients when heated. This type of preparation reduces the antioxidant effect to a certain extent.

Chocolate with a high cocoa content is not only a gastronomic treat for the palate, but also  a natural remedy to prevent aging.

2. Improve your heart and vascular health

The moderate, regular consumption of dark chocolate helps us to prevent the most common cardiovascular problems: cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. However, other types of chocolate can have exactly the opposite effect in our organism.

So it happens that dark chocolate helps us control blood pressure and prevents diseases that affect the veins and heart. Thanks to an active substance called flavanols, cocoa improves blood circulation just like many other natural remedies.

3. Black chocolate regulates bowel function


The soluble fiber in black chocolate not only helps us control cholesterol, but is also beneficial for our intestines. 10% of cocoa is fiber, which is why it gives you an almost immediate feeling of satiety. This is why cocoa cushions cravings.

Since the fiber does not dissolve in the body and travel all the way through the intestines, it helps us to cleanse the digestive tract. Since the fiber acts like a natural “broom” in our intestines,  dark chocolate prevents constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. 

4. Dark chocolate soothes coughs

Dark chocolate contains a substance called theobromine that affects the vagus and reduces its activity. This nerve controls coughing fits, among other things.

It may seem implausible, but a few grams of dark chocolate a day will help keep coughing fits under control.

So it’s perfectly fine to have a mug of hot dark chocolate  when we have the flu or a cold. However, we should avoid milk as it increases mucus and can worsen our condition.

5. It makes us happy

Dark chocolate makes us happy

Why do so many people need chocolate and feel so happy when they eat it? Why can we even become dependent on her? When we ingest this food , our brain produces endorphins. These hormones create serenity and happiness.

These five reasons should be enough to stop you from suppressing your cravings for chocolate. Choose only one that is high in cocoa and of high quality, and it’s best to eat it in small, daily rations.

Enjoy your chocolate without feeling guilty, because now you know that it is really very healthy!

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