What Are The Dangers Of Acrylic Nails?

Acrylic nails bring more dangers than benefits. Therefore, you should do your research before choosing this option.

What are the dangers of acrylic nails?

Acrylic nails are beautiful and perfect for a special occasion, but they can also cause various problems and diseases that should be avoided.

Using acrylic nails could cost your health dearly. In today’s post we would like to explain the risks and dangers of artificial nails in more detail.

You should know more about this before you decide to do it.

Why are acrylic nails so popular?

Acrylic nails painted with flowers

More and more women of all ages are using acrylic nails. These are artificially made and look great, just like we know it from fashion magazines and celebrities.

It’s easy to understand the reasons for choosing artificial nails: you always have perfect nails! 

In addition, acrylic nails make painting easier and the nails can be decorated with a beautiful design, which is often not possible with natural nails because they are too short or too irregular.

When the nails are brittle, we bite our nails, or work in an environment where we have to show our hands, acrylic nails can solve the problem.

An event, like a wedding or special celebration, can also be a great reason to use acrylic nails.

Be careful with artificial nails

Woman makes manicure and acrylic nails

Acrylic nails seem harmless and have many benefits, but there are also risks that one should be aware of.

  • The chemical substances used (resin, formaldehyde, etc.) can cause inflammation, the natural nail chipping, irritation, pain and allergies. In more serious cases, the nail comes off completely and the matrix is ​​destroyed, so that the nail no longer grows back.
  • If the beauty center is inadequately ventilated,  you can inhale toxic substances. Many non-professional beauty salons use methyl methacrylate to hold their nails in place. This substance not only damages the lungs but also the skin if it comes into contact.
  • A hair dryer is often used to dry the nails faster. But this is a mistake: Among other things, artificial nails are made of easily inflammable materials. 
    Acrylic nails
    • In many beauty salons, the tools and materials used are not sterilized. This means that germs and bacteria can accumulate. This creates the risk of a fungal infection, for example. Take your nail file with you from home, as the file cannot be sterilized.
    • Also make sure that the beautician wears protective gloves. If you have a wound on your hands, you could contract some medical condition. Never have the cuticle removed. It is a natural protection to keep inflammation and harmful germs away.
    • Before starting your manicure, clean your hands thoroughly and dry them well. This is how you can prevent a yeast infection. 

      Other disadvantages of acrylic nails

      The consequences of acrylic nails can be serious, even if it is a good beauty salon:

      • Since acrylic nails are very strong, the nail can easily lift or injure if hit. In extreme cases, the natural nail is torn off. This can be very painful and it takes a long time for the nail to grow back.
      • The risk of inflammation is far greater than with natural nails. If there is a little space between the acrylic nail and the natural nail, bacteria and other microorganisms can accumulate here and cause disease.
      Nail art with acrylic nails
      • Allergic reactions are also very common with acrylic nails. Because aggressive substances are used in production. This can lead to redness or severe itching.
      • When a nail is damaged, dirt, bacteria, or other harmful germs can build up. Therefore the product should be removed and replaced immediately.

      Wearing acrylic nails is a decision that should be carefully considered.

      If you do decide to do it anyway, choose a nail salon that has qualified staff and that all tools and materials are regularly sterilized.

      Don’t forget your own nail file and watch out for possible changes or discomfort to your nails and fingers.

      If necessary, have the acrylic nail removed and wait for the discomfort to ease. It is important to give your nails a break from time to time without artificial nails!

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