9 Household Remedies With Hydrogen Peroxide That You Should Know

Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties and can therefore be very helpful for various skin complaints such as sunspots or melasma (hyperpigmentation).

9 hydrogen peroxide home remedies you should know about

Hydrogen peroxide is a product found in most home pharmacies and has a wide range of uses.

It has a disinfecting, whitening and antiseptic effect and is therefore used to clean superficial wounds and to treat skin complaints.

In addition, hydrogen peroxide can be used for cosmetic treatments as well as in the home.

This agent is kind to the skin  and is also very useful for cleaning various surfaces.

Another advantage is that it is easily available in the supermarket or pharmacy and is very inexpensive.

Then we will give you  9 interesting home remedies with hydrogen peroxide that  you too can benefit from.

Read on to learn more about it.

1. Hydrogen peroxide for melasma


The bleaching properties of this agent are very helpful  in reducing skin spots caused by hyperpigmentation.


  • Moisten some cotton wool with the agent and then rub the affected areas of skin with it.
  • Then let the remedy work for a few hours and then wash the skin with water. Finally, apply a moisturizer.
  • Then repeat this treatment every day.

2. Mouthwash against bad breath

The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of these agents are also very helpful  in eliminating the bacteria responsible for bad breath.

The use of hydrogen peroxide can also heal infections and small injuries in the mouth or gums, as well as other problems in the mouth, more quickly.

At the same time,  teeth are whitened and stains  caused by food are reduced.


  • Dilute hydrogen peroxide in equal parts with water and then use it to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.
  • Then use this conditioner twice a day, three days a week.

3. Removal of ear wax

Ear wax

This natural product is also  ideal for removing wax from the ear canals. 


  • Dilute hydrogen peroxide in equal parts with lukewarm water and then drip two to three drops of it into your ear.
  • Tilt your head and then let the remedy work for three to five minutes.
  • Then drain the liquid and remove the remains with a soft cloth.

4. Remedies for athlete’s foot

The antimycotic, antimicrobial properties of hydrogen peroxide also help  with foot and nail fungus. 


  • Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with three parts lukewarm water and then bathe your feet with it for 20 minutes.
  • Then repeat this treatment every evening.

5. Treatment for a sore throat

Sore throat

You can use hydrogen peroxide as a gargle to get rid of bacteria and pathogens from sore throats.

At the same time, you can reduce the risk of flu and colds, as this home remedy kills the causative viruses.


  • Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide with lukewarm water and gargle for two minutes.
  • You must not swallow this mixture!
  • Then repeat this treatment twice a day.

6. Bath to detoxify the skin

Due to its composition and properties, hydrogen peroxide is also an excellent alternative  for removing pollutants and impurities on the skin. 


  • Add a cup of hydrogen peroxide (3%) to the warm bath water and bathe in it for half an hour.
  • You can then enjoy a bath with this remedy up to twice a week.

    7. Home remedies for wounds and burns


    This product is very often used to treat superficial wounds and minor burns.

    The antiseptic and soothing ingredients  reduce secretions and accelerate the cell healing process. 


    • Spray some hydrogen peroxide on the affected area, then let it work for five to ten minutes.
    • Then use the remedy two to three times a day.

    8. Treatment for sinus infections

    Diluted with water, this product can also be used as a nasal spray. This alleviates infections and at the same time prevents further complications. 


    • 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide
    • 1 cup of chlorine-free water (250 ml)


    • Mix hydrogen peroxide and water, then inject a small amount into your nose.
    • Repeat twice a day, depending on how severe the infection is.

    9. Lotion for acne

    Hydrogen peroxide

    The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of this agent also  help treat acne and clogged pores. 


    • Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the pimples.
    • Let the remedy dry and then wash it off with water.
    • You shouldn’t use this home remedy too often to prevent irritation.

      As you can see, this product has numerous  uses that are very useful. Discover for yourself what you can do with it.

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