8 Unhealthy Foods That You Think Are Healthy

Not everything that is sold as healthy is actually good for your organism.

8 unhealthy foods you think are healthy

Would you like to start living healthy? If you want to prevent illness or keep an eye on your figure, you should know that not all foods that appear or are sold as healthy are recommended.

Clever marketing strategies and incorrect information are often misleading, especially when it comes to “natural” or “low calorie” foods .

Then you will find a list of foods that appear to be healthy but are not.

1. Foods that are not healthy: Pre-packaged salads


Packaged salads, such as those found in almost every grocery store, should definitely be on this list.

Salad is of course healthy,  but these formats are usually of poor quality.

These salads are not necessarily fresh, so they lose important nutrients. Often times they are sold with dressings that are high in salt, sweeteners, or preservatives.

Prepare your salad yourself.  Not only will you save money, but you will also be able to lose weight more easily.

2. Commercial smoothies

“Healthy” smoothies can be found almost everywhere.  But this designation does not automatically mean that the drinks are actually healthy.

They usually contain additives that are in no way recommended:

  • sugar
  • fat
  • extra superfluous calories
  • Chemical substances

Prepare your own smoothie from fresh fruits and vegetables at home . It doesn’t take long for you to benefit from all the important nutrients and avoid unhealthy additives.

3. Dried fruit mixes

Dried fruit mixes

You have probably bought dried fruit mixes that are available in supermarkets more than once because you think they are very healthy.

However, you shouldn’t forget that these are blends

  • contain a lot of fat,
  • often put together with rancid seeds,
  • are very heavily salted
  • and sulfites can also be used as preservatives for it.

If you really feel like this fruit or snack, choose unsalted, raw dried fruits and seeds, or fresh fruits and vegetables.

4. Muesli or energy bars

Many of the commercially available energy and muesli bars contain corn syrup with a lot of fructose, refined sugar, saturated fat and trans fatty acids.

Make your own granola bars, there are many very healthy recipes!

5. Products without fat

Processed foods with no fat do not guarantee the weight loss you would like them to be. In fact, healthy fats make you feel full.

Fat-free foods  can provide empty calories as well as other unhealthy additives.

It is advisable to prepare at least 80% of the food yourself, preferably with organically grown food.

6. Frozen yogurt

Frozen yogurt is highly praised, but it is a scam because it is by no means healthier than other types of ice cream.

Ice cream contains large amounts of white  sugar and, like all other types of ice cream, a wide variety of flavorings.

Make your own ice cream with yogurt, stevia and fresh fruit. There are a lot of delicious recipes.

7. “Healthy” drinks

Diet drinks or sugar-free drinks, usually referred to as “light” products, should also be eliminated from your diet. They are by no means healthier than “normal” soft drinks.

These drinks contain artificial sweeteners that have been linked to cancer and should therefore be avoided.

Instead, drink coconut water or just a little water with fruit juice.

8. Whole wheat bread

Whole grain bread

Whole grain bread is unhealthy? It is assumed that whole grains are particularly beneficial to health and this is what you hear again and again in advertising.

But the difference between white bread and industrially produced wholemeal bread is not that great.

Many of the breads that are labeled with the words “multigrain” or “grain” are made with white flour and colored with malt or caramel, for example.

Often there is not a single whole grain to be found in it, at best there are a few seeds on the crust to make a healthy impression.

So don’t forget to read the ingredients carefully. Of course, it is even better to make your own wholemeal bread,  because that way you know exactly what it contains. It’s not that complicated and tastes wonderful!

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