8 Things That Help Against Flatulence

It is often just simple everyday things that help the flatulence go away and make you feel good again.

8 things that will help against flatulence

Flatulence can be excruciating, especially when you are around people or when the gases build up so much that it becomes painful. There are things  that can help against flatulence.

We’ll give you 8 pieces of advice to help you avoid bloating – and calm it down again!


Avoid foods that cause gas

If your diet was previously very low in fiber, your digestive tract will not be able to cope well if you suddenly load it with a lot of whole grain products. He reacts with gas. Give him time to get used to it because fiber is important to your health, after all!

Also, cabbage, onions and pulses cause bloating, if you are not used to eating them. Incorporate these things into your diet with slow increases, so you avoid flatulence and keep a flat stomach!


Chew well

Our teeth are there to be used! Often enough, in the hustle and bustle, we forget to chew our food well before we swallow it. This can lead to digestive problems such as gas.

When you chew, you break up the food before your digestive tract is tasked with it. Think about how difficult it is for your poor digestive organs to digest a large piece of meat that you swallowed whole (or badly chewed)!

If you chew the food down too roughly, you usually swallow air with it – and it puffs up …


Eat slowly

As explained earlier, every bite should be chewed well to make the work of your digestive tract easier. In addition, if the food is chewed thoroughly, it will salivate the food well. The saliva ensures that some substances in the food pulp are already pre-digested.

This includes strength, for example. You can test this yourself: chew on a piece of bread for a long time. You will see, after a while, the taste becomes sweeter and sweeter! Your saliva has already started converting the starch into sugar!


Test allergies and intolerances

There are food intolerances that develop throughout your life, much like an allergy.

But there are also those that exist from birth but have not been discovered because the food is seldom consumed or always in combination with other things to which the symptoms could be attributed.

Ultimately, only a doctor can correctly diagnose food intolerances, but you should carefully monitor yourself, your body and its reactions to food. Never go without food after self-diagnosis in order not to provoke malnutrition!


Exercise against flatulence

“After dinner you should rest or take a thousand steps” says a German proverb. And it is correct: exercise after eating ensures that your stomach gets going, as the entire circulation is stimulated. Digestion is better, there is no gas in the first place!


Eat a balanced diet

Most of the time it is us women who suffer from intestinal problems. Flatulence, constipation or abdominal pain can have many causes, some of which originate in the intestines.

One-sided nutrition through diets, alleged food intolerances or nutritional half-knowledge leads to unhealthy digestion. Human teeth show: humans need mixed food! Mixed food means something of everything!

Any kind of food prohibition is a loss for your intestinal flora. As always, it depends on the amount! Not according to the motto “a lot helps a lot”, but “a little of everything”!

Natural yoghurt

Lactic acid bacteria

Lactic acid bacteria support a healthy intestinal flora. You don’t have to buy the expensive probiotic dairy products that are advertised as health-promoting.

A varied supply of these bacteria from different sources works just as well and is much cheaper.

 Natural yoghurt of various yoghurt bacteria (“mild” or “Greek”, …), kefir, but also sauerkraut and kimchi (white cabbage, spicy and sour fermented) contain lactic acid bacteria!

Caraway seed

Season with caraway seeds and fennel

Fennel contains essential oils that help relieve gas and wind. To do this, you have to use the grains, not the tubers – although the tubers are also very tasty. Caraway has the same properties as fennel, but is relatively unknown as a tea.

Of course you can make yourself a caraway tea, but it tastes much better if you season your food with caraway seeds. Caraway goes well with jacket potatoes, all types of cabbage and many vegetable dishes.

Chew the seeds well so that as much of the effective essential oil as possible can escape!

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