8 Things That Damage Your Immune System

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8 things that harm your immune system

There are many things in everyday life that can damage your immune system and that can become a problem. Our health depends directly on our immune system. The stronger this is, the more resistant we are to various viruses and diseases.

Many everyday habits have a direct impact on our immune system, especially as we get older. That is why it is very important to maintain healthy living habits.

In today’s article we would like to point out various  health damaging habits that damage our immune system .

High sugar consumption

High sugar consumption can damage your immune system

Too much sugar consumption can weaken our defenses against harmful germs by up to 40%. A scientific study shows that the immune system is disturbed 5 minutes after ingesting sugar and up to 5 hours afterwards. In order for it to function properly, it needs a good boost of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps block the effects of sugar and protects our immune system.

Excessive consumption of alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can also have devastating consequences for our health and damage our immune system. The reason for this is that this inhibits the absorption of nutrients and thus can cause deficiency symptoms. Increased alcohol consumption prevents white blood cells from multiplying, and consequently the cells ingest harmful particles that increase tumor necrosis factor. A lack of cell formation causes the immune system to weaken.


Allergies can damage your immune system

The immune system can react defensively to substances or materials (allergens) that appear harmless, such as dust, pollen or smoke. It sounds the alarm and causes an allergic reaction that can subsequently destroy the cell walls, so that the protection against external intruders is lost. Our defenses fall.

lack of sleep

Insomnia is a common ailment. Everyday life, stress, depression, etc. cause sleep disorders. According to a study by the University of Chicago, those who sleep less than 4 hours – compared to those who sleep 8 hours – produce only half of the antibodies that protect us from colds.


Stress can damage your immune system

Stress has a negative impact on mental and physical health. Constant stress also affects the immune system. Infections, viruses and other germs cannot be fought because there are too few white blood cells. This can also be the case in a traumatic situation or depression.

Use of other people’s items

Most viruses and germs are transmitted through the use of other people’s objects. In everyday life we ​​mostly forget that the things we pick up can also contain germs and forget about appropriate hygiene measures. However, hygiene in everyday life is very important in  order to avoid infection.

Antibiotic abuse

Bacteria that can damage your immune system

Antibiotics are used for serious infections. They are very effective, but excessive unnecessary use can cause resistance. This makes the organism more susceptible to inflammation and other diseases. Research has shown that people who constantly take antibiotics have a weakened immune system and are therefore more likely to get sick.

Long periods of sitting

In our society, sitting for long periods of time is a common cause of illnesses such as obesity, heart disease, weakened immune systems, etc. The body accumulates toxins when there is a lack of exercise, poor nutrition and little activity. Stress increases and the organism becomes more vulnerable. It would be advisable to exercise for 30 minutes a day, maintain a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and enjoy life.

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