8 Advantages Of Pineapple With Regular Consumption

This tropical fruit contains many vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are very important for the organism. However, too much of a good thing is not recommended, one cup a day is sufficient.

8 benefits of pineapple with regular consumption

The pineapple tastes delicious and is very healthy. There are many reasons why you should eat this tropical fruit on a regular basis.

There are various ways of preparing the pineapple :

  • fresh,
  • as juice,
  • cooked
  • or canned.

The yellow fruit provides you with minerals, vitamins, soluble and insoluble fiber and bromelain. All of these substances improve various body functions and also help with the following ailments.

1. Stronger immune system with pineapple

One serving of this fruit contains 130% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, making it one of the best sources!

Vitamin C is important in the prevention of various diseases and also strengthens the immune system. This highly effective antioxidant also helps in the fight against free radicals.

2. Prevention against cancer


This delicious fruit not only protects against free radicals thanks to the vitamin C it contains, but is also very helpful in preventing cancer.

The following antioxidants can be found in pineapples:

  • Vitamin A
  • Beta carotene
  • Bromelain
  • Various flavonoids
  • High concentration of manganese

Manganese inhibits the harmful effects of free radicals  and therefore deserves a special mention.

This means that healthy cells do not develop into malignant ones. This exotic fruit is particularly helpful in preventing cancer of the mouth, throat and breast.

3. Better digestion

Like many other fruits, pineapples contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. For this reason, in the right amount, it can also protect against the following ailments:

  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • arteriosclerosis
  • Blood clots
  • high blood pressure

In addition, the pineapple stimulates  the intestinal peristalsis and promotes the production of gastric juices,  which ensure better digestion.

4. Against coughs and colds


The bromelain found in the fruit reduces mucus that builds up in the airways and nasal cavities.

For this reason, various symptoms can be alleviated,   the expulsion of mucus is promoted and inflammation is reduced.

5. Strong bones

The high content of calcium and manganese makes pineapple an excellent fruit for healthy bones. In the event of injuries, these can then be healed more quickly  and the pineapple is also highly recommended for children whose bones are growing.

A serving of pineapple provides 70% of the recommended daily amount of manganese, which is essential for the bones.

6. Eye health


The eyes are a real treasure and the pineapple can help to take care of them.

The bata carotenes contained in pineapples are particularly helpful for age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration  This can also prevent other eye diseases.

If you get the right amount of beta-carotene through your diet, you will see well even as you get older.

7. Regulation of blood pressure

As already mentioned, the pineapple contains a lot of potassium, one of the most important minerals in the body.

Potassium acts as a vasodilator,  which means that it can reduce stress and pressure in the blood vessels. This improves blood circulation.

With relaxed blood vessels, you can:

  • It can be used to control high blood pressure.
  • The formation of blood clots, which could obstruct blood flow, is avoided.
  • Plaques in the arteries are also reduced.
  • Serious diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes can be prevented.

8. Relief from arthritis


The pineapple is very well known and loved as an anti-inflammatory agent. Because of this property, it can help with joint and muscle pain,  especially if caused by arthritis.

The bromelain it contains helps break down protein complexes, and pineapple has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Therefore, it has a pain-relieving effect and helps you to cope with everyday activities more easily.

Don’t forget: not too much of a good thing!

While pineapple is very healthy and has many benefits, don’t forget that it is also high in sugar. Therefore, you should keep yourself in moderation and always eat the right amount of it.

A serving is the amount that could fit in a small cup. If you drink pineapple juice, prepare it yourself and combine it with various vegetables.

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