7 Types Of Fruit Against Gastritis

Are you looking for relief from the annoying symptoms caused by gastritis? Check out these wonderful remedies. Try them out!

7 types of fruit against gastritis

It’s an inflammation of the lining of the stomach that causes an uncomfortable burning sensation, pain, and gas. Today we introduce you to 7 types of fruit that  help against gastritis .

The most common cause of chronic gastritis is infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Alcohol, nicotine, medication, illnesses or injuries can also lead to this.

It can occur sporadically as well as chronically and cause complications. Proper nutrition is essential to relieve discomfort. Different types of fruit for gastritis are also of great benefit. Read on to find out more! 

1. Bananas for gastritis


Bananas contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals that improve and prevent digestion. This delicious fruit is low in fat and protein. It  regulates the pH value in the stomach and thus prevents ulcers and heartburn. 

Above all, vitamins A and C, potassium and magnesium give the bananas the power to strengthen the gastric mucosa and inhibit inflammation.


  • Eat a banana at the first sign.
  • Use bananas in smoothies and other recipes.

2. Papaya

This delicious tropical fruit is  a natural remedy for pain and heartburn caused by gastritis. It contains important digestive enzymes and fiber and therefore supports digestion.


  • Eat 2 to 3 slices of papaya every day.
  • A glass of plain yogurt with sliced ​​papaya is also helpful to prevent stomach problems.

3. Peaches


Peaches contain many essential nutrients that give them  urinary, anti-inflammatory and laxative properties.

The high proportion of fiber improves digestion and prevents inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

In addition, the peach contains an abundance of vitamins and nutrients. An excellent fruit for pain and inflammation caused by gastritis!

4. Apples

Apples contain pectin, which forms a gel in contact with liquids. This can then protect the gastric mucosa. Regularly including apples in your diet can also help prevent constipation and regulate gastric acid production.


  • Eat up to 2 apples a day.
  • Make your own apple juice when the first symptoms appear.

5. Coconut


Coconuts are rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, and natural fiber that help your digestive health.

Coconut meat and water are effective against heartburn and gastritis by reducing stomach acid.

The coconut also provides important nutrients that are lost in the event of diarrhea. It also works against stomach pain caused by colitis.


  • Eat up to 3 servings of coconut meat each day.
  • Have a glass of coconut water to ease the burning sensation.

    6. Pears

    Pears are also good choices for symptom relief. They contain fiber and antioxidants, which  counteract inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

    In addition, they are characterized by high amounts of vitamins A, C and B group vitamins, all of which are important for optimal digestion.


    • Eat 2 pears a day.
    • Drink fresh pear juice to help ease the burning sensation in your stomach.

    7. Cherries


    These delicious fruits contain antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory substances that work against  free radicals. Anthocyanin gives the cherries their characteristic color and also helps with gastritis symptoms such as pain and inflammation in the abdomen.


    • Eat 5-6 ripe cherries.

    These delicious fruits not only help against gastritis, they are also very important for your general health!

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