7 Things To Never Do On An Empty Stomach

While some of these habits seem harmless, they can cause discomfort over time.

7 things to never do on an empty stomach

When we start the day healthy, we have enough energy throughout the day to carry out our tasks and obligations. However, some habits can have a negative impact on the mind and body, especially when performed on an empty stomach .

Often these habits seem harmless, but over time they can affect our wellbeing. That’s why today we’re telling you about things that  you shouldn’t do on an empty stomach  . Read on to learn more about it.

1. Consume anti-inflammatory drugs

Certain medications are not recommended on an empty stomach

You shouldn’t take drugs like aspirin, acetaminophen, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on an empty stomach. This could lead to serious digestive complications.

Its active ingredients can cause an imbalance in the lining of the stomach and, in severe cases, lead to gastric bleeding.


  • To minimize the negative effects of NSAIDs, you should drink milk with it.
  • If you don’t have milk available, take the tablets with plenty of water.

2. Drink coffee

Many people drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, but this could lead to unpleasant side effects. The aromatic drink provides energy and perks you up, but your stomach is not enthusiastic about it at the beginning of the day. Even low-caffeine coffee is not recommended on an empty stomach. This  produces more stomach acid and increases the risk of heartburn. 


  • If you can’t do without your cup of coffee, drink it with cream or milk. The fat it contains can minimize the negative effects.
  • However, a cup of tea or a freshly made smoothie would be better!

3. Alcoholic beverages

do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach

Drinking alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach is harmful to the liver, heart, and kidneys. In this state,  alcohol is absorbed twice as quickly as tea. However, the elimination of harmful substances is slower, which increases the risk of alcohol poisoning. If you drink too much, the hangover will be worse.


  • If, for whatever reason, you drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach, make sure you eat a snack that contains as much butter as possible as soon as possible.
  • Avoid combining alcohol with coffee or carbonated drinks, as these may increase the effects.

4. Chewing gum

W. hen we chew gum, our bodies produce hydrochloric acid, which can cause undesirable side effects when the stomach is empty.  This irritates the stomach lining, which can lead to symptoms such as gastritis in the long term. 


  • If you are used to chewing gum, opt for chewing gums that have natural sweeteners in their ingredients.
  • Avoid chewing gums that contain sugar, cyclamate, or aspartame.
  • It is best to avoid chewing gum for 10 minutes after the meal.

    5. Intense physical activity

    do not exercise on an empty stomach

    Some swear by exercising before breakfast to burn more calories. But there is no guarantee for this, and it can also lead to reduced muscle mass.

    The body needs nutrients and energy in the morning. If you train before breakfast, you will use up your energy reserves.


    • Do gentle, low-impact exercises.
    • Eat at least one serving of fruit before you start exercising.
    • If you have indigestion, you should definitely eat a healthy breakfast before exercising to avoid complications.

    6. Drinking citrus juices

    Citrus juices contain many vitamins, minerals, and other important essential nutrients that are beneficial for our bodies. But especially if you suffer from  gastritis or indigestion, you could irritate the stomach lining. 


    • If you want to drink lemon juice on an empty stomach, mix equal parts with water to make it milder.
    • It’s best to drink citrus juices with breakfast or during the morning.

    7. Quarrel on an empty stomach

    No quarrel with partner on an empty stomach

    Researchers in the United States have shown that feeling hungry leads to irritability,  which in turn increases the risk of an argument.

    The brain needs sources of energy to function and “control” itself, so waiting long before breakfast is not a good idea.


    • After you wake up, have a tea or other healthy drink with your partner or family to improve their mood and prevent arguments. Don’t wait too long until breakfast.

    How do you start the day? You now know what not to do early in the morning, it is not difficult to get rid of these bad habits and start the day healthy and full of energy.

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