6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Cucumber Water Every Day

Cucumber water provides you with sufficient fluids, vitamins and minerals that help to expel harmful substances, which in turn improves liver and skin health.

6 reasons why you should drink cucumber water every day

Cucumber water is a perfect soft drink for the whole family: it is natural and very healthy. You should drink cucumber water more often  !

If you’re looking for low-calorie alternatives to freshen up in a healthy way, we have the recipe for you today.

We will then give you five reasons why you should include this drink in your diet and drink cucumber water .

 Remember, you should drink cucumber water at least two to three times a week to get all of the benefits!

1. Rich source of vitamins

cucumber water drink

A recipe as simple as cucumber water can provide you  with lots of fat-soluble vitamin A and vitamin C. 

In addition, the cucumber is rich in vitamin E, an excellent antioxidant that will improve your wellbeing.

With this simple recipe you can protect the  health of your cells from environmental pollutants and also from the negative effects of tobacco on your skin. 

In addition, the cucumber contains many minerals and nutrients that also prevent blood clots.

2. Helps in lowering blood pressure

In combination with water, the cucumber is a perfect means of reducing blood pressure.

This drink supplies the organism with fluids and potassium,  which then improves blood circulation and cares for the heart. 

It also relaxes the muscles.

As you can see, drinking cucumber water has far more benefits than meets the eye.

3. Has a filling effect

The cucumber has a filling effect, in combination with water  you can satisfy your hunger cravings throughout the day  and at the same time supply your body with fluids.

That way, you’ll find it much easier to hold out until you eat.

4. The best treatment for your skin


As mentioned earlier, cucumber water is excellent for moisturizing the skin.

If you drink this drink regularly, you can also improve the complexion of your skin and keep the skin elastic and young for longer. 

In addition, you can use it to promote blood circulation and fight against fluid retention.

Due to the high content of silicon, this drink also helps you to expel harmful substances from the body. This will make it easier for you to fight problems like acne or inflammation.

With cucumber water you can cleanse your organism and make your skin glow healthy.

5. Drinking cucumber water is  good for your liver

Cucumber water is perfect for cleansing and relieving the liver and also improving its functions.

  • This is thanks to the vitamins A, B and C it contains, as well as the minerals calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
  • These care for the liver cells and also promote their regeneration.

With this drink you can then promote the health of your liver.

  • It has anti-inflammatory effects and reduces blood lipids.
  • Of course, you also have to ensure a balanced diet and sufficient exercise. You can then use these three healthy habits to keep your liver healthy.

6. Cucumber water nourishes the skin after the sun


As already mentioned, cucumber water contains a lot of vitamin C.

With this you can promote collagen production and your skin will not only look younger, but also be better protected. Sun protection from the outside is of course still necessary!

You can also use it to improve the health of your bones and nails and also strengthen your immune system.

How is the cucumber water made?


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 ½ liters of water
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (10 g)


  • Peel the cucumber, then cut it up for better processing.
  • Then squeeze the lemon to extract the juice.
  • Put in the blender together with the other ingredients and then process briefly.

The result is a  refreshing, light juice that balances the acid-base balance  and promotes your health. You too can benefit from the numerous advantages!

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