6 Points Of Contention That Arise In Any Relationship

Even happy couples still fight, but the difference is that they know how to best deal with conflict, around an impairment avoid their relationship.

6 points of contention that arise in every relationship

When you talk about a happy couple, you probably never imagine that that relationship could have any problems, too. You assume that they will have a perfect life when they are happy. The reality, however, is that this couple also has to deal with issues that arise in every relationship.

Learn more about the issues that arise in any relationship below . You will find that the secret is honesty and open communication.

1. How to react when one of you is in a bad mood

Bad mood of the partner can affect the relationship

Happiness is not a constant state of mind. For one reason or another, there will always be things that affect your mood. And, of course, this can burst the couple’s happy bubble, which then leads to an argument.

When you’re in a bad mood, different things happen:

  • Your complete attitude changes.
  • You don’t want to talk to anyone.
  • You forget certain details.
  • Your partner’s needs are temporarily forgotten.
  • You’re more likely to start an argument.

Because of all the problems that a bad mood can lead to, every happy couple should address the question of how they are going to react to it.

It’s important to know how the other person is reacting and how to keep the situation from getting out of hand.

You can set some basic guidelines, such as:

  • Distance the angry person until their mood improves
  • Avoid offensive jokes if the person is very sensitive

2. The distribution of housework

The division of chores is often a point of contention in relationships

When making the decision to live with your partner or to marry him or her, it is important to talk about the distribution of chores.  

Although it is less common these days to find men with chauvinistic ideas, it is always a good idea to determine which duties correspond to each partner. In this way you not only avoid misunderstandings and loss of time, but you can also organize everything much better.

If you find that your partner has some gender-specific ideas, now is a good time to let them know your expectations. Remember that many people were raised this way. So it is not easy to develop new habits.

3. Points of contention that arise in every relationship: the mother-in-law

The subject of "mother-in-law" often leads to arguments

There is a common myth that mothers-in-law create problems in a relationship. However, this only happens when they or other relatives hold an attitude that affects the harmony in your home.

If the relationship may already be interpersonal, the arrival of the mother-in-law can make life more difficult if she wants to interfere more than she should.

This can lead to tension, habit changes, and general discomfort. The good news is that this is one of the points of contention that comes up in any relationship. And you are not alone in this.

However, you should set boundaries that a family member or guest should keep in your home in order to respect your privacy and independence.

A stable and understanding couple will be able to resolve this situation without quarreling or fighting over third parties that could harm the relationship.

4. One of you is never on time

It can be annoying when your partner is never on time

Another point of contention that every couple has been through relates to the amount of time each person should allow the partner to get things done, even if you have agreed on a specific time.

There is a notion that women tend to keep their partners waiting. However, this is not entirely the case. The truth is, men get into this habit too, and it is important to talk about how you would react to avoid arguments.

It may seem like a minor problem, but it’s something that still seriously bothers some people. If you or your partner is a person who has problems with this, determine how long the valid waiting time is and what to do if it is exceeded.

5. Your ex won’t leave you alone

An ex who can't let go is a common point of contention among couples

One problem that can spark some heated arguments is when one of you has an ex who doesn’t understand that he or she is part of the past.

The presence of this person in your life can unbalance your relationship and lead to jealousy and struggles. If this is the case with you, understand that you cannot control another person’s actions … only your own.

Here is a list of things to try if this happens:

  • Ignore the ex-partner.
  • Leave the place where you meet him or her.
  • Try to deal with it.
  • Take legal action if the behavior is severe.

6. Points of contention that arise in any relationship: The time the other spends on social networks

Spending too much time on social networks can negatively affect the relationship

The internet is and will be there. Unfortunately, however, it can also be one of the triggers for an argument.

How much do you share online Do you post all of your photos on Facebook or Instagram? Where is the privacy protection that you both should respect?

When the use of social networks becomes an addiction, arguments often arise. If you want to be a successful couple , set some of these limits from the start.

Keep in mind that you can always make changes if you deem it necessary. However, you should have a baseline that both of you are happy with.

Have you already found yourself in one of the above arguments? And do you think you are still missing some important points that could improve your relationship?

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