6 Clever Combinations Of Foods

Did you know that there are foods that, when properly combined, have properties that are greatly enhanced. So consider the best food combinations to protect your health.

6 clever combinations of foods

The organism can utilize certain nutrients better through clever  combinations of foods. The right choice of ingredients favors the availability of various substances, which makes wholesome foods even healthier.

Take care to benefit from it too.

The right combinations improve the availability of nutrients

1. Tomato and Avocado

With this combination you can use lycopene particularly well. This substance contained in the tomato is better absorbed in combination with the healthy fatty acids of the avocado. 

  • Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives tomatoes and other vegetables their typical red color. It is a powerful antioxidant.
  • For example, it helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and is also said to have cancer-preventing effects.

    The combination of tomato and avocado tastes great. Use it to make a bun or guacamole!

    2. Beetroot and chickpeas

    This mixture is quite unusual, but it has many advantages. Chickpeas are rich in vitamin B and beetroot is an excellent source of magnesium.

    But why is it advisable to combine these two foods? Vitamin B6 helps the body absorb magnesium better.

    One study found that it can also relieve symptoms of autism.

    In this study, a group of volunteers received a dose of magnesium and vitamin B6. Their social interaction and communication improved as a result, but the behavioral disorders reappeared when the two food supplements were discontinued.

    3. Green tea and lemon

    Green tea and lemon food combinations

    Green tea should always be combined with lemon, this is now common knowledge. But why?

    The catechins it contains have an anti-cancer effect. In combination with acid, they are better absorbed by the body.

    So the next time you have a cup of green tea, be sure to add some lemon juice. It tastes great and is very refreshing!

    • If you want a bit of variety, you can use green tea with lemon instead of water for your mixed drinks.
    • Green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruit go well with it.

    4. Broccoli and Tomato

    Broccoli can also be combined excellently with tomatoes to benefit from the anti-cancer properties. The carotenoids in tomatoes actually strengthen the bioactive components of broccoli.

    • Prepare yourself a refreshing salad with the two ingredients.
    • You can also add lean proteins like poultry or cheese, some vegetables, and a light dressing. Delicious and healthy!

    5. Lemon and kale

    Lemon and kale, the right combinations

    Kale contains an abundance of iron, which can be better utilized with vitamin C. That’s why we recommend combinations with lemon! You will particularly benefit from this if you have anemia.

    Other sources of vitamin C and possible combinations are:

    • Oranges
    • Strawberries
    • Red pepper
    • broccoli
    • tomato

    Iron is also found in the following foods:

    • leek
    • Beetroot
    • spinach
    • Mustard leaves
    • Swiss chard

    6. Oats and peanut butter

    The perfect combination for a nutritious breakfast. Oats provide complex carbohydrates, peanuts give you new energy. You can also use it to regulate blood sugar levels. 

    You will also like these combinations:

    • Prepare a mixed drink with plant-based milk, oats, and peanut butter.
    • Have breakfasts of cooked oats with peanut butter. You don’t need sugar for this.

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