6 Beautiful Red Plants

Red is a very energetic color! Fill your house and garden with vitality with these 6 beautiful red plants that we introduce to you in this article.

6 beautiful red plants

Red flowers are very popular. You can decorate with them wonderfully, as they attract attention and stand out from the other things. In folk culture, the most famous of them is the rose, which we associate with love and passion.

However, there are hundreds of varieties with these hues. That is why in this article we introduce you to 6 beautiful red plants that you can put in your house or garden.

The color red has a great influence on people’s mood as it is an inspiration for strength, warmth and action. Therefore, it is the ideal color to fill your living space with vitality.

Placing plants of these hues around the house could improve your mood during the long winter months. They can also loosen up dreary environments and even attract hummingbirds.

1. Red anthurium

The red anthurium is a plant native to the tropics that adapts very well to indoor spaces. It needs a lot of light, but not direct sunlight, as this could burn its leaves.

This plant looks very elegant and gives the room a modern touch. Not only is it beautiful and colorful, it is also an extremely resilient and very easy to care for plant. This makes it a favorite for anyone who wants to enjoy beautiful blooms year-round without spending a lot of time gardening.

2. Guzmania

Guzmania is one of the most popular red plants in the bromeliad family . It produces beautiful star-shaped flowers with vivid colors.

In order for it to bloom nicely, it needs a temperature between 20 and 22ÂșC. Since it comes from the tropical rainforests, it also needs a shady and humid environment. It only blooms once, but its flowering period lasts between 6 and 8 months. Their appearance gives rooms a fresh and tropical touch.

Red flower of the Guzmania
The red flower of the Guzmania blooms for up to 8 months.

3. Japanese quince

The Japanese quince is a type of thorny shrub that is very cold-resistant and blooms abundantly in late winter and early spring. It produces small, apple-like, but sour-tasting fruits that can be used to make delicious jams.

It grows best outdoors, but it is also available in bonsai size with lovely little red flowers.

4. The red Chinese rose hawk

The Chinese rose hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) is also known as the Chinese rose, room hibiscus or simply hibiscus . It is a shrub native to Asia that can grow up to 3 meters tall. It is estimated that there are 150 species of different colors, many of them in reddish and multicolored tones.

The flowers of the Chinese rose hawk are large and look quite exotic. It is highly valued for its decorative function outdoors. It’s important to know that this plant will adapt better to an outdoor environment as it needs direct contact with the sun in order to grow and thrive.

5. Japanese maple

It is a tree native to Japan and South Korea that stands out for the beauty of its large red, green, and purple leaves. The time when its colors are most bright and reddish is in spring. In autumn, its leaves fade and eventually fall off.

This tree adapts very well to outdoor and indoor areas. However, due to its size, which can reach up to 10 meters, it is often used as a bonsai tree around the house. Its beautiful leaves are delicate, so they can burn if exposed to the blazing sun. In addition, the Japanese maple does not tolerate drought.

Maple Trees Mount Fuji
The classic Japanese postcard motif with Mount Fuji and the maple trees in bright red color.

6. Poinsettia

The poinsettia, also known as the Advent star or poinsettia, is a traditional plant for the Christmas season. It is native to Mexico and became popular worldwide through the influence of the American Joel Roberts Poinsett, from whom it owes its name, according to the United States Government History Agency.

It is characterized by a deep red color, which makes it the perfect Christmas decoration for your home. Although it is often thought that the red parts are its flowers, in reality it is its bracts, that is, a kind of leaf that surrounds and protects the flowers. It needs constant moisture, but by no means too much water.

Red plants need care

No matter what type of plant you ultimately choose, it is important that you follow a few minimum care measures. Cutting off dead or weather-damaged branches, frequent fertilizing of the soil and appropriate watering are the three basic elements so that they can grow well.

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