5 Tips Against Constipation

Lukewarm or hot water on an empty stomach hydrates the organism and can prevent constipation at the same time.

5 tips against constipation

Constipation occurs when the bowel movements are too slow. The cause is often that there is not enough water in the intestine. There are many  tips for treating constipation, but do they really help?

In some cases, certain medications can also cause constipation. In this article, you will learn which natural remedies to use for constipation.

Tips against constipation

1. Drink plenty of water

If you are constipated, you should drink two to four glasses of lukewarm water. If the symptoms have been around for a long time, it is best to drink plenty of water right after getting up. In general, you should drink at least 10 glasses of water a day (lukewarm). 

Water is the best fluid dispenser for flushing debris and accumulated toxins out of our bodies.

Other beverages, such as fruit juices or carbonated soft drinks, contain a lot of sugar and additives that can lead to constipation, so you should avoid them or at least limit your consumption.

2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Another one of the tips against constipation. Eat lots of fruits, lots of vegetables, and other foods high in fiber to meet your daily needs. Consume between 24 and 38 grams of fiber daily.

Constipation is mostly caused by excessive consumption of fats, sugar, and dairy products. These are compared to whole grains. Wheat bran, fruits and vegetables are not healthy for our intestines.

Consider taking dietary fiber supplements even if you are already getting a lot of fiber through your diet.

Some fiber cannot be digested by the human body; that is, it is not absorbed through the flow of blood. This fiber stays in the intestines where it absorbs water and keeps bowel movements soft.

Some foods high in fiber are: raspberries, pears and apples, whole grain pasta (cooked), wheat bran, chickpeas (cooked), black beans (cooked), lentils (cooked), artichokes (cooked), peas and broccoli.

3. Tips against constipation: Coffee can also help

Coffee often brings quick relief from constipation. This is due to the fact that caffeine stimulates the digestive muscles. However, coffee also has a diuretic effect, i.e. it reduces the moisture in stool, so it cannot pass through the intestines as easily.

Doctors do not recommend consuming diuretic products such as coffee, alcohol, black tea, and carbonated beverages.

4. Tips against constipation: Eat plums

Eat four plums and / or drink two glasses of plum juice a day. Plums are high in fiber and sorbitol, a moderate natural sugar that helps relieve constipation.

Sorbitol is a gentle stimulant that can prevent stool from getting stuck in the bowel. This will prevent clogging.

If you’re not particularly fond of plums, fresh grape juice is a suitable alternative. This starts to work in just a few hours. First, only drink a glass to wait for the effect.

Otherwise you run the risk of developing diarrhea. Remember that plums contain 14.7 grams of sorbitol per 100 grams of fruit; the juice, on the other hand, contains only 6.1 g per 100 g. 

So you have to drink more juice to get the same results. Make sure the plums haven’t been processed and that they don’t contain any added sugar.

5. Exercise

If possible, you should avoid long periods of sitting and keep your body moving at all times. Moderate exercise is better, but even a 30-minute walk will help maintain healthy bowel movement.

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