5 Foods To Avoid

The following foods are delicious, but can cause problems such as hypertension, diabetes and kidney problems.

5 foods to avoid

There are certain foods that we should remove from our diet to protect our health.

The following foods are delicious, but can cause problems like hypertension, diabetes, and kidney problems, among others.

1. Whole milk

You may be surprised that whole milk should be avoided. However, it has been shown that whole milk contains saturated fat, which increases cholesterol levels. Whole milk is also very high in calories.

Try switching to semi-fat or skimmed milk instead of whole milk. In this way you reduce your fat intake without sacrificing vitamin D, calcium or potassium.

2. Soft drinks

healthy soft drinks

You should also avoid soft drinks or soda, as these are sweetened with fructose or corn syrup and are very high in calories.

Scientific studies have shown that the empty calories of soft drinks are one of the main triggers of the global obesity epidemic.

In addition, soft drinks contain chemicals that damage bones and teeth, cause tooth decay, promote the appearance of osteoporosis, increase blood sugar levels and instead of quenching thirst, induce thirst.

The healthiest soft drink is water to which you can add freshly squeezed fruit juice. If you miss the tingling sensation, you can drink carbonated water.

3. Margarine and butter

Butter and especially margarine often contain large amounts of trans fatty acids, so they should be banned from our kitchen.

Common health problems with regular consumption of margarine or butter include high LDL (bad) cholesterol, low HDL (good) cholesterol, triglycerol imbalance, and bleeding disorders.

As an alternative, you can buy similar products that are lower in calories and free from trans fats. If this change is too expensive for you, you can try vegetable oil.

4. Bread

You should also avoid types of bread and other baked goods made with refined flour products. These products are made with low- fiber flours that offer hardly any nutrients. It’s best to switch to whole grains.

In addition, baked goods made from refined flours are very high in calories. For comparison: one slice of white bread is equivalent to four slices of whole grain bread.

For this reason, we advise you to buy whole grain products. Skimmed cheese, low-sugar jam or peanut butter can add a delicious taste to the whole grain bread.

5. Popcorn as a finished product


Popcorn, which we usually buy at the movies or to make in the microwave, is high in calories and saturated fat.

In addition, the portions are huge, so we can easily consume 1200 calories with barely 60 g of popcorn. This is why you should eliminate this food from your diet.

Make your own popcorn, paying attention to the amount of fat. In the cinema, you can have other healthier bites or sweets.

Replacing harmful foods is a matter of getting used to

Today, our lifestyle, as well as our monthly budget, can lead to buying and consuming unhealthy foods. If you don’t want to give up these foods, you can replace them with other, similar, healthier foods.

Make sure the foods are fresh, balanced, and of good quality. Over time, you will find that the foods you replace are healthier and cheaper.

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