4 Tips For Cancer Prevention

Even with the best cancer prevention, this disease cannot be prevented 100 percent. However, certain risk factors can be reduced with various measures. Find out more about this topic today. 

4 tips for cancer prevention

The  cancer screening  can reduce the risk of tumors, but not prevent it 100 percent. We are talking about a group of diseases from which around 18.1 people worldwide suffered in 2018. For this reason, it is very important to take appropriate measures to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.

The development of a tumor is related to various risk factors to which we are exposed. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines risk as “ any sign, trait or exposure of an individual that increases the likelihood of suffering from disease or injury”.

Not all risk factors can be prevented,  as some of them are related to age, gender or genetic mutations. But others, such as exposure to different substances or certain behaviors, can be modified. Then you will find four useful tips for cancer prevention!

Helpful tips for cancer prevention

According to information from the Mayo Clinic,  the possibility of developing cancer based on lifestyle is widely accepted. With this in mind, we need to know that we can reduce risk with various changes. We’ll then tell you the four most important things about cancer prevention.

1. Avoid tobacco use

Cancer prevention: quit smoking
Smoking is one of the most well-known risk factors that can cause cancer.

By avoiding tobacco consumption and exposure to other pollutants,  you can make an important contribution to cancer prevention.

Tobacco is one of the most important and most common risk factors. The World Health Organization points out  that tobacco was partly responsible for 22 percent of cancer deaths worldwide in 2004. This means that a total of 1.6 million people were affected.

More than 10 cancers are related to tobacco, with lung cancer being the most important. Studies have shown that 16 percent of smokers who start at a young age develop cancer by the age of 60.

Although many consider cigars and water pipes to be less harmful, it is precisely this trust of the consumer that increases the risk. The danger for passive smokers must not be forgotten either. There is no harmless form of tobacco smoking, the only option is to give it up completely.

2. Lose weight to prevent cancer

There are at least 8 different types of cancer associated with obesity. Most of them have to do with the gastrointestinal tract. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC for short, informs that obesity is directly related to the following tumor diseases:

  • 39% in the case of endometrial cancer
  • 37% in the case of esophageal cancer
  • 25% in kidney cancer
  • 11% in the case of colon cancer
  • 9% for breast cancer in postmenopausal women

Excessive consumption of red meat and processed foods can also increase the risk of colon cancer. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are therefore important in cancer prevention in order to maintain or achieve a balanced body weight.

3. Alcohol only in modest proportions 

Cancer screening;  little alcohol
Excessive consumption of alcohol increases the risk of cancer.

Excessive consumption of alcohol is associated with an increased risk of cancer. It is therefore very important to only consume alcoholic beverages in moderation.

Alcohol has been linked to oral cancer and 7 other cancers,  including breast cancer. The risk increases with increasing alcohol consumption.

For men it should therefore not be more than a maximum of two wine glasses or two small, light beer bottles a day. Women shouldn’t drink more than a glass of wine or a small, light-colored beer bottle a day.

4. Avoid prolonged or frequent sun exposure

Ionizing radiation has carcinogenic effects on humans. This also includes the ultraviolet radiation that emanates from the sun. This is associated with various types of skin cancers, especially melanoma.

It is estimated that there were around 55,000 deaths from melanoma worldwide in 2018. The World Health Organization therefore recommends various measures to protect yourself from ultraviolet solar radiation:

  • Avoid excessive exposure to the sun
  • Use sunscreen and
  • cover yourself with clothing to keep the harmful radiation out.

Final recommendations on cancer screening

In addition to the tips mentioned, there are other things you can do to prevent cancer. A healthy and  balanced diet with as little sugar as possible but enough fresh fruit and vegetables is particularly important. 

In addition, you should have  regular medical examinations and attend all early detection appointments. This is especially important when there are risk factors. If diagnosed early, most cancers can be cured.

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