4 Simple Tips To Make You Sleep Better

Did you know that you can easily balance your body temperature by covering one foot? This will help you sleep better and relax.

4 simple tips to help you sleep better

Sometimes we find it extremely difficult to find sleep. We toss from one side to the other and the carousel turns in our head: “If I don’t fall asleep right now, then …” There are easy-to-implement tips that will make you sleep better  .

It is not only the length of sleep that is important, but also the quality. And this is not really high if simple, probably previously unknown factors disturb your night’s sleep!

Those who cannot sleep through the night harm themselves. The ability to learn and remember decreases, the metabolism changes, weight gain inevitably follows, daytime sleepiness increases and leads to “blackouts” which endanger safety (including in traffic).

Long-term sleep disorders make you depressed, can cause cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure, and lack of sleep also damages the immune system.


The right temperature

In the evening, when our blood pressure drops, we tend to shiver – and in winter we like to turn on the heating or go to bed with thick socks. And that’s not exactly what makes you sleep well!

Many studies have found that a bedroom temperature should ideally be between 15 and 20 degrees – never higher!

Lower temperatures can lead to respiratory infections; higher temperatures are not good for a good night’s sleep.

The body then sweats and does not come to rest. Thick wool socks are also not good, because when we sleep our feet offer us a good and quick way to regulate our body temperature.

If the body is too warm during sleep, the body temperature can be lowered quickly by sticking out a bare foot.

If the foot is in a thick wool sock, cooling is prevented and the regulation of body temperature is disturbed. Sleep is less restful. So: open the window and lower the temperature and then with bare feet under the covers!

Absolute darkness while sleeping

Our body produces the sleep hormone melatonin, which allows us to sleep well so that we wake up refreshed. However, this sleep hormone is sensitive, it breaks down when exposed to light.

The darker your bedroom, the more melatonin can be formed, the deeper and more restful your sleep. So make sure that you completely darken your bedroom with light-proof curtains, blinds or shutters and stay away from bright light sources before going to bed.

Even if you have to go to the bathroom at night, you should try to get by with as little light as possible. A small, rather dark night light with a motion sensor, for example, helps you to find your way through the hallway and in the bathroom without having to switch the lights on.

If you switch on the light, you destroy the sleep hormone in your body and the sleep after you go to the toilet no longer has the same quality as before. So: lights off, light-tight blinds down and then close your eyes!

Sleep cell phone

Mobile off!

Many now have their cell phones lying next to them on the bedside table. As an alarm clock, clock or for podcasts and radio plays to help you fall asleep. If you are one of them, make sure that your cell phone cannot make any noises overnight. Flight mode is ideal.

No sound or vibration alarm should and should not disturb your sleep. Also place the cell phone with the display facing down so that your sleep cannot be disturbed by the glowing screen, for example if a push message appears on it.

You think that doesn’t bother you, but a bright display is unconsciously perceived during sleep – and the light also has an influence on the formation of your sleep hormone! So: turn off your mobile phone and turn the display down!

Sleep electro

Switch off electrical appliances

Some bedrooms resemble an electronics store: TV sets, loudspeakers, stereo systems, projectors, radio alarm clocks, DVD players, … All of them are connected to the mains, all of them have flashing and glowing LCD displays, LED lights and more.

If you think that you have to set up this electronics store in your bedroom (instead of in your living room), then make sure that this “electrosmog” cannot disturb your sleep.

It’s very easy: pull the plug! Simply switching the devices off and leaving them on standby is not enough to eliminate electrosmog.

It is ideal to use a so-called “master slave” socket. You connect all devices to it and press a single button to turn them all off before you go to sleep. And then to sleep healthy without electrosmog.

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