4 Exercises For Your Eyes

Although the eyes are fundamental to almost all activities, we often forget to take care of their health. Today we introduce you to simple exercises that are very beneficial for your eyes and that you should therefore practice regularly. 

4 exercises for your eyes

Eye exercises can relax stressed eyes and maintain eyesight. Especially when you sit in front of the computer for a long time,  your eyes are  stressed.

Take short breaks from time to time and do the exercises that we will explain to you in more detail today.

You can use it to promote the health of your eyes. The exercises are very simple and can be done anytime anywhere. 

Exercises for your eyes

Today we only show you 4 exercises for  your eyes . There are also different variants for each exercise. All are very helpful and relaxing. Do these exercises every day to protect your eyes!

1. Wink

Exercises for your eyes

If you sit in front of the computer all day, you should take care of your eyes regularly. The first exercise is to blink.

You may think to yourself that you blink all the time, and that is also the case, but  in this exercise this is done consciously and in the right rhythm. 

When you sit in front of the computer for a long time, your eyes have to concentrate hard. Without realizing it, you usually spend long periods of time without blinking your eyes.

You should therefore repeat this exercise for your eyes over and over:

  • Wink really fast: Take a break and wink your eyelids as quickly as possible. This allows you to lubricate your eye in a natural way and does not need eye drops.
  • Then you blink slowly. So you can relax your eyes. Then close it and relax for a few seconds. Then you open your eyes and repeat the whole exercise again.

    2. Pressure on the eyes

    Perhaps you can remember pressing eyes and seeing stars as a kid. This exercise is very easy and very beneficial for your eyes.

    You can use it to free yourself from tension and relax your gaze after an intensive day at work.

    How is this exercise performed? Then we’ll show you two options that  will both be good for you. You will immediately feel better and more relaxed afterwards.

    • First rub your hands together, then place them on your eyes with light pressure. Relax like this for about two minutes. No light should get through your hands.
    • Finger pressure: put your fingers over your eyes and apply light pressure for a few seconds. After that you take a break and then repeat the exercise.

      3. Eye movements

      Exercises for your eyes

      Movement is not only good for your muscles, but also for your eyes. The eyes are always in motion, but with this exercise they are  specially trained to protect their health.

      You can use it to achieve relaxation and loosen your eyes.

      • From top to bottom: The first movement is from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. Do this exercise very slowly and repeat it several times.
      • From left to right: Then you move your eyes from left to right and back again. Again, it is a slow, very conscious movement.

      You may feel some pressure as you do this exercise,  like when you have to force your eyes to perform the movements. This is positive, because you can relieve tension and promote the well-being of your eyes.

      4. Focus

      The last exercise is to focus on objects that are both near and far away. This can be of great help to people with farsightedness or nearsightedness in particular.

      • Focusing on a distant object: fix your eyes on a further distant object and then bring your gaze back to the starting position.
      • Focusing on a nearby object: Direct your gaze on the surroundings without focusing on a specific object. Then you direct your gaze to a nearby object and observe it. Repeat both exercises several times.

      All of these exercises can relieve tension, stress, and improve your eyesight. So don’t forget to take breaks and train in everyday life!

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