3 Soups Against Water Retention

With these 3 recipes you can fight water retention at lunch. Try them out!

3 soups against water retention

Water retention is a nuisance: the shoes squeeze, the hands and knuckles tense, the legs are heavy. We have three recipes for delicious water retention soups.

Why do we store water?

Water retention increases, especially in summer. This is a simple measure for the body to quickly enlarge the body surface in order to have more cooling surface available for cooling with sweat.

What is a practical air conditioner for our body can be a nuisance to us. Especially in the evening, when the beautiful shoes no longer fit, your legs get heavy or the afternoon heat has made our knuckles swell.

We have three water retention soups for you that you can use at lunchtime to prevent major water retention from occurring.

Clarify unclear water retention!

First things first: First and foremost, you should clarify whether the symptoms are not caused by a heart problem. A thrombosis could also be behind it and this is life-threatening and belongs in the hands of a doctor!

Heart, liver and kidney diseases, as well as allergies and thyroid dysfunction can also promote water retention and are sometimes life-threatening! Therefore, it is essential to clarify unclear water retention with a doctor before following our tips!

Little salt & sugar in the soups to prevent water retention

To prevent water retention in general, you should avoid all foods that promote water retention in the body. This includes not only salt, but also sugar. Your diet should be particularly rich in fruits and vegetables that contain potassium.

Melons and rice, for example, are good sources for this! Rice and potatoes, as well as quinoa and millet, have a dehydrating effect due to the high potassium content.

Combine rice or potatoes with vegetables and spices that stimulate the metabolism and can also have a dehydrating effect: fennel, celery, parsley and ginger, for example.

Be careful not to eat meat that is very salty with it. Sausage should be taboo because it contains a lot of salt! A piece of poultry or meat that is nicely peppered or seasoned with herbs doesn’t need salt to be tasty!

Recipes – soups for water retention

When preparing the soups against water retention, please make sure that you do not use excessive salt, otherwise the soup is anything but dehydrating!

At first the soup will taste a bit “bland” to you, but with constant stimulation the taste receptors on your tongue will get used to it and you will perceive food that is not very salty as normal!


Potato and cucumber soup

Potatoes and cucumbers contain a lot of potassium, which has a dehydrating effect and prevents water retention. This soup tastes really nice like summer!

  • 1 cucumber
  • 750 g potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
  • 1/4 liter of water
  • 1 tbsp finely grated onion
  • 1/4 liter of sour cream or yogurt
  • 1/4 liter of milk
  • 1 bunch of dill, fresh or frozen
  • pepper

Cut the cucumber into small cubes and set aside. Bring the potato cubes and water to a boil. Let the potatoes cook without a lid until they can then be mashed on the edge of the pot without any effort.

Stir the potatoes with the cooking liquid through a sieve (DO NOT puree!) And then return the mixture to the pot, stir in the sour cream / yoghurt, milk, grated onions and the cucumber cubes.

Let the cucumber cubes steep in the soup for about 5 minutes. They should be tender, but still firm to the bite. Season to taste with pepper and then serve with plenty of fresh, chopped dill.

vegetable cream soup

fennel soup

Fennel also counteracts water retention, and this soup works very well in combination with potatoes.

  • 1 kg of fennel
  • 300 potatoes
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 apple
  • 3 tbsp parsley, chopped
  • White pepper

Clean, wash and then cut the fennel bulbs into small pieces, wash and chop the fennel greens and set aside. Wash the potatoes, peel and then cut into small cubes, peel the garlic and onion and dice finely.

Bring everything except the fennel greens in 1 liter of water with the bay leaf to a boil and then cook covered on a low flame for about 50 minutes. Peel, core and then grate the apple.

Melt the butter and then fry the fennel greens with the chopped parsley in it.

Take the bay leaf out of the soup, strain it through a fine sieve and then put it back in the pot. Then stir the grated apple and the fried herbs into the soup, season with white pepper and serve immediately.


Melon soup

Melons are particularly rich in potassium and ginger also helps fight water retention. This soup is cold and therefore ideal for hot summer days!

  • 50 g flaked almonds
  • 1 kg of watermelon
  • 30 g ginger, fresh
  • 125 g yogurt
  • 1 lime (the juice of it)
  • 1/2 bunch of mint

Roast the almonds until golden brown in the pan. Core the melon, peel and cut the pulp into pieces, then puree with the ginger and yoghurt in a blender, season with lime juice, decorate with the mint and almonds.

Either eat right away or chill in the refrigerator.

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