3 Home Remedies For Neuralgia

The natural remedies can achieve very satisfactory results. Today we are going to introduce you to some of them that are particularly useful for treating neuralgia.

3 home remedies for neuralgia

A neuralgia can be described as sensory disturbance, which occurs in the region of the head, the face or the neck as a sort of electric shock. This condition is often associated with great pain. For this reason, today we are going to show you how to treat neuralgia with natural remedies.

Those people diagnosed with neuralgia are typically over 50, as an article on trigeminal neuralgia points out. However, the symptoms described above are usually irregular.

This means that there can be weeks when a patient has no symptoms at all. This makes the diagnosis more difficult and can raise doubts as to whether it is even a neuralgia. This of course also makes it more difficult to start the required treatment in good time.

Natural remedies for neuralgia

Now, before we explore together some of the natural remedies for neuralgia that can be of great benefit in managing this disease, it is important to emphasize the importance of a visit to the doctor. These options that we are showing you today will not solve the problem, they will only help the patient feel better.

In fact, the options we are presenting here are by no means intended to be a substitute for the treatment a doctor recommends. This type of disorder requires special medication and, in some cases, even surgical treatment, as this article states: trigeminal neuralgia. A review of medical surgical management. 

1. Elderflower against neuralgia

Elderflower as a treatment for neuralgia

The elderflower is a remedy for neuralgia, with a very popular origin. In fact, these flowers are already widely used in phytotherapy because they have properties that can be useful for neuralgia.

  • Softening : When used externally, the elderflower reduces inflammation.
  • Antispasmodic : The elderflower prevents the feeling of an electric shock.
  • Strengthening veins : This plant also promotes blood circulation.

The application of this drug of natural origin is external. For this, a tea is made from the leaves of the elderflower. This is where the compresses are soaked, which can be placed on the head, face or neck. The relief will come very quickly.

2. Vetiver used to treat neuralgia

Vetiver is a plant whose most common uses are in the form of an essential oil. That’s because it has soothing properties, as well as anti-inflammatory properties, which make it an excellent ally in managing neuralgia.

However, to be really effective on neuralgia, it is recommended that the root of the plant be prepared as a tea. Then it is applied to the affected area (head, face, neck) from the outside by means of gentle rubbing.

3. Arnica

Arnica as a natural remedy for neuralgia

Arnica is one of the neuralgia remedies that can help relieve symptoms. These are yellow flowers that have different properties used to treat a variety of health problems.

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Pain reliever
  • Reduces edema (swelling)

One of the best ways to use this natural remedy is topical. For this it is recommended to use a tincture made from arnica. This is diluted with water and applied to the affected areas with a gentle massage.

More information of interest

Despite these 3 recommendations for dealing with neuralgia, it is important to remember that neuralgia cannot be “cured” by these remedies alone. It is important that there is also adequate control and medical treatment.

However, the home remedies presented can be used in addition to the treatment prescribed by a doctor. However, if you feel more confident, you can of course ask your doctor if the primary treatment they are suggesting could be affected by the use of the natural remedies.

The drugs the doctor prescribes consist of anticonvulsants and muscle relaxants. Likewise also injections of Botox can be recommended (at very low doses).

In the most severe cases, surgery is the best solution. This is one way to fix the root problem and prevent it from affecting the patient’s life any more. However, in the case we discussed earlier (in which only medication is taken), the natural remedies mentioned can make an excellent addition to medical treatment.

Have you been diagnosed with neuralgia? Does anyone around you have this disease? We recommend asking your doctor about a way to use these natural remedies as a complement to your usual treatment.

So we very much hope that you will soon notice results, that there will be an improvement and that your quality of life will increase along the way, should you decide to use the natural remedies.

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