3 Great Mixed Drinks For Better Blood Circulation In The Legs

The wonderful properties of the ingredients for these mixed drinks promote blood circulation, remove toxins and also work against water retention.

3 great mixed drinks for better blood circulation in the legs

Many suffer from circulatory disorders of the legs (chronic venous insufficiency), women in particular are affected. There are drinks for  better blood circulation in the legs.

Heaviness, vein dilation, tingling sensation and water retention on the calves and ankles are without a doubt unpleasant symptoms that are caused by this and affect everyday life.

Varicose veins are also a common consequence of poor blood circulation. This is not just an aesthetic problem, but also a health risk that could lead to thrombosis.

A blood clot could travel to the heart, brain, or lungs and cause serious consequences.

That is why it is very important to promote blood circulation in the legs  and treat varicose veins. An active lifestyle, a balanced, healthy diet, and various natural remedies can help.

That’s why we recommend 3 supportive drinks today for  better blood circulation in the legs .

1. Mixed drink made from watermelon, strawberries, pineapple and ginger for better blood circulation in the legs

This delicious shake promotes venous reflux thanks to the watermelon and pineapple :

  • Experts advise consuming watermelon regularly (although the white layer under the peel should also be consumed) as it promotes blood circulation and oxygen supply.
  • The heart rhythm and blood vessels are strengthened.
  • The combination of watermelon and pineapple then works against inflammation and fluid retention, which is due in particular to the active ingredient bromelain.
  • Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and phenols, which are also powerful anti-inflammatory.


  • 220 g diced watermelon
  • 2 slices of fresh pineapple
  • 8 washed strawberries
  • 200 ml of water


  • This mixed drink for better blood circulation in the legs is ideal for the morning. Then process all the chopped ingredients in a stand mixer or blender for preparation.
  • Don’t forget the water so that the drink doesn’t become too thick. Serve immediately after preparation.

You will see how good this drink is for you for better blood circulation in your legs and that it improves blood circulation in your legs.

2. Radish and carrot smoothie for better blood circulation in the legs

Radish juice

Radishes and Carrots to Improve Blood Circulation? This natural and hearty drink has numerous benefits:

  • Radish juice is rich in various enzymes, such as myrosinase and amylase, which eliminate harmful substances and promote blood circulation.
  • Both carrots and radishes protect liver health, are rich in fiber, promote digestion, stimulate the elimination of residues and also work against fluid retention.


  • 2 carrots
  • 1 radish
  • 200 ml of water


  • Wash all ingredients thoroughly and then grind to make processing easier.
  • Add water and process in the mixer until a red-orange homogeneous juice is produced.

This smoothie is very tasty and original. Well worth trying.

3. Grapefruit and grape juice for better blood circulation in the legs

Grape juice

You need red grapes for this drink because they contain higher levels of flavonoids, tannins and polyphenols, which stimulate blood circulation.

  • The combination of grapes and grapefruit particularly promotes heart health, also prevents thrombi and protects veins and arteries. This keeps them strong and elastic and prevents deposits.
  • The grapefruit contains vitamin C and quercetin, which prevent varicose veins or, if they are already present, reduce inflammation.
  • Regular consumption of this drink, which is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, can prevent thrombosis.


    • 1 grapefruit
    • 8 red grapes
    • 200 ml of water


    • Choose a grapefruit that isn’t too ripe. This is then pressed out. The juice goes into the blender jar.
    • If you can’t find red grapes, you can also use white or blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries, all of which are high in antioxidants.
    • Put everything in the mixer together with the water and in a few seconds you will have a very effective drink that will be very good for your general health and your legs.

    Would you like to try one of these smoothies? You’ll be amazed!

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