3 Drinks For A Flat Stomach

A flat stomach is particularly desirable in the summer months. Try our three recipes that can help you!

3 drinks for a flat stomach

A flat stomach is not always a given. Here we show you 3  drinks for a flat stomach.

Even slim people can show a rounded tummy due to flatulence, water retention and other complaints, which is perceived as a blemish.

Flat stomach: dream of many women

A flat stomach is what many women dream of, especially in summer or on beach and bathing holidays. These following  drinks for a flat stomach might help.

Of course it is not possible to go from a ball belly to a dream belly in a “last minute action” in the last few days before your vacation, but there are effective tricks to do something for a flat stomach.

Of course, the most common cause is excess belly fat, which has been slowly but surely fed on.

Flatulence, constipation or water retention are also possible causes of a “small tummy” . These are relatively easy and quick to fix, so that the effect of a flat stomach occurs very quickly. Basically, you should heed the following tips:

flat belly

Potassium for dehydration

Your diet should be particularly rich in fruits and vegetables that contain potassium. Melons and rice, for example, are good sources for this! Rice and potatoes, as well as quinoa and millet, have a dehydrating effect due to the high potassium content.

Combine rice or potatoes with vegetables and spices that stimulate the metabolism and can also have a dehydrating effect: fennel, celery, parsley and ginger, for example.

Watch out for salt

Be careful not to eat meat that is very salty. Sausage should be taboo because it contains a lot of salt! A piece of poultry or meat that is nicely peppered or seasoned with herbs doesn’t need salt to be tasty!

Avoid sugar

To prevent water retention in general, you should avoid all foods that promote water retention in the body.

This includes not only salt, but also sugar. Unlike salt, your body doesn’t need a single gram of sugar. So you can completely eliminate it from your diet. This is not only good for water retention, but also reduces the belly fat.

Drink a lot

Drinking a lot promotes a good metabolism, which in turn ensures that the body has a balanced fluid ratio.

So that does not mean: a lot of water retention, but exactly the opposite! Please only drink calorie-free drinks such as water or herbal teas in order not to gain weight or store water with sugar again!

Lemon soda

Drinks for a flat stomach – recipe for belly fat

Sour makes fun – but also slim? Of course, lemon juice doesn’t melt fat, but it can still help us on a diet.

Lemon not only contains citric acid, but also natural bitter substances that act as natural appetite suppressants.

In addition, these bitter substances work against bacteria, cancer and inflammation and lower cholesterol. There are particularly many bitter substances in the peel of the lemon – especially in the white areas. This also applies to all other citrus fruits, but especially to grapefruits.

If you use the bowl, for example in smoothies, it has to be organically grown, the smoothie should be healthy and non-toxic!

To benefit from the bitter substances against pork belly, puree a whole lemon including the zest to make a lemonade and avoid sugar. You just need:

  • 1 lemon
  • 500ml water

Cut the well washed organically grown lemon into small pieces, add the water and blend both ingredients into a lemonade in the blender. If you like, taste the lemonade with lemon balm leaves or basil.


Drinks for a flat stomach – a recipe for bloating

The yogurt supports your intestinal flora and the fresh peppermint helps against flatulence. The potassium contained in the cucumber has a slightly dehydrating effect and supports you in the fight against water retention.

  • ΒΌ cucumber (peeled or organic)
  • 250g natural yogurt
  • Some fresh mint leaves
  • A pinch of salt

Cut the cucumber into small pieces, remove any seeds that are too large. Then put everything together in a blender or puree everything together with the hand blender to make a frothy shake. Enjoy freshly chilled!


Drinks for a flat stomach – recipe for constipation

Kefir contains healthy lactic acid bacteria that are very similar to those in the intestinal flora.

In this way, kefir contributes to a healthy intestinal flora that regulates digestion. Currants contain a lot of fiber through the kernels and firm skin of the individual berries , which stimulate the bowel movement in the event of constipation. You need:

  • 1 bottle of kefir (approx 450ml)
  • 1 handful of currants (color does not matter)

Put the kefir in a bowl, pluck the currants from the stalk and see if you need to sweeten. If the kefir or berries taste too sour for you, find healthy or calorie-free alternatives to sugar, such as stevia.

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