15 Facts You Should Know About Fibromyalgia

Even if fibromyalgia is chronic and incurable, this disease does not have to dominate your life. Try to do things that you enjoy and enjoy every moment.

15 facts you should know about fibromyalgia

Many people around the world suffer from fibromyalgia, especially women. Here is some  data on fibromyalgia.

Chronic muscle and bone pain  as well as other symptoms such as exhaustion, sleep disorders, headaches, depression or stiff joints often make everyday life more difficult.

Is There An Effective Treatment For This Disease? Unfortunately no, not yet. The symptoms are very diverse, but  the exact origin is still unknown.

The treatments are therefore reduced to alleviating the symptoms and improving the patient’s quality of life. Psychological support also plays an important role in this.

In this post we list things worth knowing that can alleviate the symptoms. If you know the  “chronic enemy” a  little better, new strategies can be found to combat it. Then you will learn more about it.

Data on fibromyalgia: possible causes

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) informs that this disease  is different for everyone and has different symptoms. 

There is no uniform clinical picture, some suffer from muscle pain, others only from joint pain, and some patients experience cognitive decline or severe depression.

This is why diagnosing and treating fibromyalgia is also very difficult. However, the ACR also points out that various aspects point to the origin of fibromyalgia  and help to better understand this highly disabling condition.

1. Thyroid problems

Thyroid disorders can lead to chronic fatigue and also to joint pain or sleep disorders.

Various studies show that many fibromyalgia patients who are treated correctly for thyroid disorders no longer suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, depression or insomnia.

2. Vitamin deficiency

The ACR experts confirm that fibromyalgia patients usually have very low magnesium levels and often also suffer from a deficiency in vitamin B12 and vitamin D.

3. Bacteria in the small intestine


As you probably know, our intestines are colonized by benign bacteria that protect us from disease. However, many fibromyalgia patients suffer from a sick bowel, more precisely from a disease known as leaky bowel syndrome  .

With this condition, there are too many harmful bacteria in the intestines that can get into the bloodstream.

4. Gluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance has been linked to  55 different diseases. 

This includes not only digestive disorders, but also neurological complaints or even memory loss, chronic fatigue, depression, muscle pain and sleep disorders.

5. Candidiasis

The fungus Candida albicans colonizes the intestines and can also be responsible for a wide variety of complaints. If this increases excessively, it can get into the bloodstream and cause joint pain, confusion, digestive problems, fatigue and others.

6. Gene mutation

Recent studies suggest that the MTHFR gene could also trigger fibromyalgia. This gene can cause problems in the synthesis of lead and mercury and, for example, prevent these pollutants from being properly removed.

There are medical samples that can prove the presence of this gene.

Fibromyalgia Data: Alternative Treatment Options You Should Know About


In addition to medical treatment, you should then introduce various changes in your everyday life in order to improve the quality of life. Fibromyalgia is an unpleasant companion that is already noticeable when you wake up.

However, various strategies can help  to control this, alleviate the effects and thus ensure greater well-being.

Note the following recommendations:

1. Relaxation exercises

It is important that you  take an hour each day to learn relaxation techniques,  think about nothing, and take deep breaths. The inner balance between body and mind will help you to better fight and endure the pain.

2. Proper nutrition

You should avoid the following inflammatory foods:

  • sugar
  • salt
  • confectionery
  • Pre-cooked and ready meals
  • Red meat
  • Dairy products
  • carbonated drinks
  • Sausages

The following foods are recommended (base-forming diet):

  • Cold water fish
  • avocado
  • olive oil
  • raw fruit with peel (no fruit juices), especially fruit rich in vitamin C
  • fresh vegetables, preferably raw (tomatoes, onions, peppers, broccoli and garlic …)
  • Legumes
  • linseed
  • Chia seeds

3. Massages and gentle exercise

Massages can then reduce the pain  by up to 20-30%. Three sessions a week are enough to get good results.

You can relax as you do this and then you will feel lighter. Your joints will be less stiff as a result. Gentle exercise such as yoga, which you can do at home, is also very helpful in improving flexibility.

Fibromyalgia Data: Final Points to Consider

Writing woman

1. Keep a pain diary

It’s a good idea to keep a journal of pain, relapses, and improvements.  Some days you will feel less pain, so it is important to find out what you did and did not do those days and what may bring you relief.

Do not forget that every patient reacts differently and that it is best for you to observe your body.

2. Note all alternatives

Some patients only trust conventional medicine and refuse to undertake alternative therapies, such as relaxation techniques or possibly psychological treatment for depression or emotional complaints.

Remember that fibromyalgia can be triggered by different physical and psychological factors that should be  treated differently.

3. Seek help from your family, friends, and your doctor

Social support makes everyday life easier. This will make you feel better and will prevent the isolation that often occurs when patients think no one can understand them. Find the best help and support for you!

4. Do not allow fibromyalgia to dominate your life

Pain captivates us, but when you give in, you have nothing but suffering. Then don’t let that happen! Try to lead a normal life within the scope of your possibilities  and to find your happiness and your motivation in things that you enjoy.

Get up every day and try to put the illness in the background. Every effort and every help is worth it!

Now you have some data on fibromyalgia.

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