10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Pistachios

Small but nice – pistachios contain many necessary nutrients to improve your internal and external health.

10 reasons why you should eat pistachios

Before we explain  why you should eat pistachios,  a few facts: These dried fruits are also known as  Pistaciaceae . They are mostly grown in Central America and Asia Minor and are usually harvested in July. 

Pistachios can be consumed raw, roasted, or in a variety of dishes. They contain various very valuable nutrients:

  • Vitamins (E, folic acid, thiamine)
  • Minerals (copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron)
  • Egg whites
  • Fiber
  • Fatty acids

The edible pistachio seeds are surrounded by a thin skin and a hard shell that can be easily cracked.

Then, you’ll find 10 reasons  why you should eat pistachios .

Why you should eat pistachios

1. Pistachios help against diabetes

10 reasons why you should eat pistachios - against diabetes

The blood sugar level can be reduced with pistachios, which is why the small seeds are highly recommended for type 2 diabetes.

Because pistachios lower glucose and lower insulin levels, they can promote a healthy metabolism. This makes them an excellent choice for people with prediabetes too!

2. Lower risk of heart disease

Pistachios can also lower your cholesterol and clear lipids from your arteries. The small dried fruits are therefore also recommended as a preventive measure against heart disease.

Since they also contain potassium, you can use them to regulate your blood pressure, which is also good for your heart health.

3. Support in losing weight

10 reasons why you should eat pistachios - to lose weight

Pistachios are also great as a substitute for unhealthy snacks when you have cravings for sweet or salty foods! They are low in calories, but high in nutrients.

4. Good source of fiber

Pistachios contain an abundance of fiber that is used to improve metabolism and digestion.

5. Good for the eyes

10 reasons why you should eat pistachios - better vision

Did you know that pistachios protect the eyes and reduce the effects of harmful solar radiation? 

This is due in particular to the following ingredients:

  • Zeaxanthin
  • Lutein
  • Riboflavin
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin B2

6. Pistachios strengthen the bones

Pistachios contain phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and proteins. These strengthen and regenerate the bones and muscles.

As these dried fruits give the body energy and strength, pistachios are an excellent food, especially for athletes.

7. Pistachios for strong teeth

10 reasons why you should eat pistachios to have strong teeth

Phosphorus and magnesium are also very important for dental health! In addition to proper oral hygiene, certain foods, like pistachios, can also protect your teeth.

8. Pistachios for beautiful hair

Pistachios contain copper, which is important for hair pigmentation. You can use it to achieve shiny hair  and prevent hair loss at the same time.

Pistachios can not only ensure beautiful hair from the inside: Use pistachio oil to moisturize your hair and promote regeneration!

9. Pistachios for a younger look

10 Reasons You Should Eat Pistachios - Looking Younger

You can also improve the complexion of your skin with these delicious dried fruits. They are characterized by vitamin E, which at the same time protects the skin from dangerous UV radiation and delays skin aging.

Pistachio oil is also beneficial for the skin on the outside! 

10. Pistachios for better cognitive performance

If the nerve cells are supplied with more oxygen, their performance improves. Higher hemoglobin levels can also improve the oxygen supply.

Pistachios contain  vitamin B6, which promotes the formation of the blood pigment hemoglobin. 

Risks from consuming pistachios

Pistachios have numerous health benefits, but you should still consume these dried fruits moderately.

They are usually heavily salted, which draws fluid from your body and can also result in fluid retention in the tissue. The best thing to do is to opt for unsalted dried fruits!

Many are allergic to dried fruits, so you should be careful at first as the following reactions could occur:

  • Eructation
  • Swelling
  • Rash
  • Breathing problems

Add pistachios to your healthy, balanced diet, but don’t overdo it!

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